An outing with Denver (Part 7)

Depuis le début

"To the place,I belong!"

"West Virginia, Mountain mama"
"Take me home, Country roads"
"Country Roads,Take me home"
"To the place,I belong"
"West Virginia,Mountain mama"
"Take me home,Country roads"
"Take me home,down country roads"

"Take me Hoooooome,Down country roaaaaads"

"Ahh never gets Old,Look there's the town" Denver said cheerfully as she skips ahead

"Wait up!" Y/N runs after her

Denver stops at a Tree
"Haha, Don't tell me you're tired already"

"Not at all"

"Come on then,If I remember correctly, there's a Cafe here" Denver walks off again

"Okay,Lead the way" Y/N follows

"You know, it's supposed to be the guy that leads" She had a cheeky grin on her face

"Oh come on,I haven't been here before"

"Fine fine~ But for that, I'll make you pay"

"that's fine with me" Y/N giggles as he pats Denver's head "I'll do anything for you anyway"

Denver Blushes and Giggles "Ara ara,Y/N's being direct today"

"Yea Yea rub it in, It's the Truth"

Soon after,they reach Cafe Leblanc

Y/N recognizes it

"Wait Leblanc is a franchise?"

"Yea duh,Come on" Denver goes in

"Huh,Never knew that" Y/N follows inside

To their Surprise,Essex was the one at the counter

"Eh? Essex-senpai?" Denver tilted her head

"Oh,Hello you two, surprised to see you here" Essex was drying mugs

"This your part time job or something?" Denver says as she sits down

"Well.....You could say that" Essex averts her eyes suspiciously

"That's suspicious....when did you get here?" Y/N asked as he sits down next to Denver

"Not that long ago" Essex puts the mugs away

"You didn't come here to bother Enterprise-senpai did you?" Denver reads the menu

"Wh-what?? No, That's silly"

"Suspicious...Anyways,can I get a cappuccino and a cheesecake?"

"Sure Denver,and what would it be for you Y/N?"

"Mochaccino please and I see that last slice of Strawberry shortcake over there, I'll take it"

"Coming right up"

A few Minutes later

Essex places their order at the counter "Enjoy"
When the clock struck 1 and rang
"Oh,Time for my break" Essex flipped a sign on the door "Just leave the money on the counter okay?"

Y/N and Denver nodded as Essex left

Denver took a sip of her Cappuccino
"Mmmmm so delicious,I love cappuccino" she then took a bite off her cheesecake and placed her hand on her cheek
"Mmmm! So good!" Denver said happily

Y/N watches her with a smile as he sips his Mochaccino
"Glad you're smiling now"

"Mmmm?" Denver looked at him

"You got a little on your cheek"

"Which side?"

"I'll get it for you" Y/N grabs a napkin and wipes Denver's cheek

Denver blushed and holds his hand

"Something wrong?"

"Nope" Denver smiles and then lets go

After they finish
They made their way home

"Ahh this was fun" Denver sigh in Relief

"Glad I got to get rid of your boredom"

"Well,Not quite"

Y/N looks at her in confusion "what do you mean by that?"

Denver goes in front of him "There's still one thing"

"And what is that?"

Denver smirks and then pulls Y/N close
And in instant she kissed Y/N on his lips

Y/N gets taken aback

After 5 seconds,Denver backs off with a slight Blush on her cheeks as she smiles

"I'll race ya home! Haha!" Denver runs off

"Ah.... Heh,This is why I like you Denver"

I simp for Denver and Columbia harder than I simp for Cleveland,cause both of them are underappreciated and I feel like I need to show them the love they deserve,but of course I still Love Cleveland.

That is all

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