a day and A Secret

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A few Hours later the teams for the Activity has been decided

Cleve:*Looks at The teams* Hmmmm....

Denver:I found Us!


Denver:Looks like the four of us are In the Same team

Monty: Don't we need five?

Denver:Yep,And Y/N is our fifth member

Cleve: Columbia Get him over here, We're going to be discussing what we're gonna do

Columbia:But he's in the Bathroom

Cleve: Then wait for him outside and drag him to the Roof

Columbia: Alrighty *Heads out to the Hall*

Hallway outside the bathroom

Y/N:*Exits* Ahh that feels better

Columbia: Let's go! *grabs his Sleeve and Drags him*

Y/N:Eh??? Columbia??

Columbia:Come on,the others are waiting


Columbia:The teams have been announced,And the five of us are in the same team

Y/N:Oh I see,Then we Mustn't keep them waiting, where are we meeting?

Columbia:The roof

Y/N:I see,Has any of you decided on our roles yet?

Columbia:*Climbing Up the Stairs* Not yet, That's why we need you

(save your thanks for stair-kun)

Y/N:I see... Columbia Watch your step,You might trip over....Like What happened to cleve

Columbia: Oh don't worry too much,I won't fall

Y/N:Hmm *Stays Behind her Just in case*

Columbia:Have more faith in me Y/N, I'll be careful*Blows a Bubble but then Slips on a Banana peel on the Steps*

Y/N:I gotcha! *moves And Catches Her and Slams to the Wall*


Y/N:Ngh....(Is she Alright?) *looks At Her*

The Fall made Columbia Lean In on Y/N and made their Lips touch



Columbia:*Separates and Blushes* Ummmm...

Y/N:Uhhh Columbia? That was an Accident Alright?

Columbia:I....I know

Y/N: L-Let's just go to the others now


At the rooftop

Cleve:Hey what took you two?

Columbia: Don't wanna talk about it

Cleve:*Looks at Y/N*

Y/N:*Looks Away*


Denver:Enough of that! Now Y/N the teacher told us that you were the One who always pick what Ship to use in the drill

Y/N:Ah yes

Monty:Did you pick one Already?

Y/N:The USS Cleveland (CL-55)

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