I nod, close the door behind me, and take a seat on one of the chairs in front of him. 

'One moment.' He mouths, before leaning back in his chair, keeping his eyes on me. 

'I told you I needed those pills last month.' He says, his voice a little darker than normal. 'Don't forget who you're talking to here, I already gave you a week extra and they need their pills.' 

Pills... He told me about some pills a while back. I don't remember the name, but he said something about a delayed shipment and annoyed associates. 

'Just get it to them and make sure to compromise.' He sneers, before hanging up his phone. 

He takes a deep breath, as if to calm himself down, and looks at me with a soft smile again. 

'You know I love seeing you, little bee, but what are you doing here?' I control my need to cringe at his little nickname for me and smile back. 

'I just had some questions.' He nods and leans forward, placing his elbows on the desk and intertwining his fingers. 'If it's about the incident with Isabelle, I'll handle it.' 

'Incident with Isabelle?' How the fuck can he- 'Martin was drunk and-' 'That's no excuse for what he did, he should not have touched her.' 

'I'll talk to him about it and-' Here goes nothing... 'Did you know I saw him that night?' It takes less than a second for Hunter to pick up what I just said. 'What?' 

'I ran into him in the hall before getting to Isabelle.' Something shifts in his eyes and it takes over, something dark and angry. 'He could've done the same thing to me.' 

It doesn't matter if he did or didn't. What matters is that he pays for what he did. 

'Why didn't you tell me this before?' He asks, slowly rising from his chair. 'I didn't have time to tell you.' And because Isabelle told me not to get involved. 

'Noah!' Hunter shouts, making me flinch a little. He has never shouted like that before. 

Noah bursts through the door and looks at us. 'What's going on?' 

'Get her out of here, I need-' 'I'm not going anywhere until you promise me that you're going to punish your uncle for what he did.' I say, keeping my eyes on Hunter. 

Something dark floats through his eyes and it slowly fades away, as I keep looking at him. 'Leya, I don't think now is the right time...'

'It is, trust me.' Martin can not get away with this shit. 

'Leya-' 'It's fine.' Hunter mumbles, dropping back in his seat, rubbing his temples. 'Alright.' Noah sighs and leaves again, closing the door behind him. 

What the fuck was that about? 

'Are you going to do something about it?' I ask, crossing my arms as I look at his face. He's staring at his desk, hopelessly searching for an answer. 

An answer he should already have. 


Because he has to do something about this, he can't let Martin go unpunished for raping Isabelle. 

'Look if you're not going to do it, I will. And trust me you won't like it when I do so you better-' I stop when his eyes lock with mine, trying to stand my ground once again. 

I'm acting nice, but I cannot drop this with him. 

He has to do something about this. 

'I don't want him near you, so I'll handle it.' He states, his voice cold again. 'That's the only reason?' He's not doing it for Isabelle, he's doing it because I'm telling him to. 

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