How to deal with a bad day

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Who doesn't know it? You come home from a terrible day at work or had a terrible fight with your friends/family/partner. Whatever it is that caused you to feel miserable and feel suffocated, it doesn't matter. 

As soon as you step in your own four walls, take a deep breath. It may sound silly, but these days we get so distracted by electronics and the busy life, we don't even notice how we are feeling. . So close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Concentrate on your body and needs. Are you hungry? Do you have a headache? Are you thirsty? Do you have a backpain? Listen to your needs and what your body tells you. Act upon it.

You could also try to do some meditations to calm down and focus on what's important, there are tons on YouTube or you could go for a walk to clear your mind. If you have some supressed anger, let it all out, don't continue to surpress it 'cause then it's gonna eat you from inside out. You could do so by going boxing, screaming into your pillow or just go into your cellar or the top of your building and scream as loud as you can. After you have done that you should try to calm down, focus and start from new. Like clicking the reset button of a game. Just that you can't start the day again, but continue the day without that bad energy.

If you are familiar with incense you could use it to cleanse yourself or you could just use some candle smoke. You could also take a relaxing bath, read something interesting in your blankets, make yourself your favourite drink (preferably no alcohol no judgement tho), watch your favourite TV- show and wear your favourite pijamas. 

If you still have work to complete, be grateful for the time your mind could take a break and do what u gotta do. But this time with no frustration, bad energy or exhaustion. Avoid using unhealthy coping mechanisms like eating a bunch of unhealthy food or hurting yourself. There is a better way. And just remember: "It will be over at some point"

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