3. How does Kuroo do it?

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A/n: so this is a shorter chapter. Dw tho, the other ones will be longer, i just wanted to add a dirty joke in here before the party.

So i just wanted to clarify, they are all over 16, since its a while after the spring nationals. Which means also that some are well over 16 and a half and even 17, like Kunimi for example who's birthday is March 25, and Hinata is close to 17.

I put an OC in there, Kuroo's brother. He is only in for like 10 lines.



Kuroo pov:

"Kenmaaaaaaa," I whine. "Please come to the sleepover!"

Kenma doesn't look up from his game. He keeps staring down, his eyes moving from a corner of the screen to the other corner, then in the middle.

I give up, I'll just say Shōyō will be there and he will follow me like a lost puppy straight to Akaashi's house.

As I walk down stairs, I hear my mom arguing with my brother Shiro.

Mom: Seriously Shiro! I can't believe you got another girl pregnant!

Shiro: I'm sorry.

Mom: why can't you be like your brother? He goes out every weekend and hasn't gotten one girl pregnant!

Shiro: *_* what really?!

She saw me standing in the door frame to the kitchen, clueless about what was happening.

Mom: yes now Kuroo, tell him how!

Kuroo: Uhhhhh

Mom: C'mon

Shiro: *waiting*

Kuroo: I fuck guys!

Shiro: O_O The fuck?

I walk back up stairs with two glasses of fruit punch. Giving one to Kenma, I say:

"Shōyō is gonna be there."

"I'm only going because he is!"

Great. I managed to get Kenma to come, that will be great.

Not gonna lie, I think Kenma is gonna be playing his game the whole time. It's not that I mind, it's just it would be nice for him to pay a little more attention to his childhood best friend.


Kenma pov:

Not looking up from my screen, I sigh. I know telling Kuroo that I don't want to go to the party will make him hurt inside. I can read him like a book, but that's not the point. Having feelings for your best friend is hard. The only thing I can't read in Kuroo is if he likes me or not. To avoid everything, I just act like I would act with everyone else, even when I'm with Kuroo. It's simple. No heartbreaks! Fucking amazing!

Getting those thoughts out of my head, I look back at my screen, admiring Xiao, the hottest genshin character. I got him out of luck a few weeks ago. I feel Kuroo staring at me but I ignore it.

Time to go party. Yay ( I hope you can see that I am sarcastic here because if you don't, you are dumb).


So hi, your author here again. Am I writing this in class? Maybe... Am I listing to my teacher? No... Am I gonna fail? FUCK YES!

Credits to my best friend for the dirty joke, it's all her's. Go check out her stories! egracea

~ your average anime simp

Word count: 378

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