Chapter 10.

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The next morning I woke to the sound of work happening all around the glade. With no recollection of when Gally left, or when I fell asleep, I carried on my day as normally as I could. However Gally kept looking into the kitchen, where I stood with Frypan over the vegatables for lunch.

"What's up" came a reassuring voice and a friendly punch to my shoulder.

"Gally keeps looking at me, and I can't remember what happened last night. So I have no idea why he is", sighing I grab a pot to start boiling the carrots.

"Well I can ask him, right now. Only if you want me to" he leans against the counter and looks out the window facing Gally.

"Sure" I say with a grin, expecting him to leave the room. However that doesn't happen.

"YO, SLINTHEAD, WHAT YOU LOOKIN' AT!" Fry screams across the glade. My eyes widen and my jaw drops.

"That's not what I ment, I thought you'd take him to the side or some shit like that!"

"Well know you have to talk to him..."

"NO, I dont"

"Yea you do, cause he is storming over here right this second" Frypan finishes with a snicker and turns away leaving me with an angry Gally and a pot of boiling water.

"Ivy, what do you need to talk about?"

For some reason, Gally knows exactly what's on my mind. With no hesitation he answers a question I was only thinking.

"Yes, you are mad. Yes, you hate me... But from what I gathered last night, we are ok now."

Nodding, I respond with a short "Ok".

Before too long we are back to our normal selves, laughing, messing around. But most importantly we learned something about each other.

We hated being apart.

Even if he pisses me off, I know deep down I still love him. And his crazy, angry side that is barrier to protect himself and others.


So guys, sorry for this shitty (for a lack of better words) chapter but I needed a filler. And this was what I came up with!

Go check out my Instagram account (@the_maze_games_fan) and then you can get updates on this fanfic. Love ya and leave ya *kiss kiss*

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