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In London, the summers are short, comfortable, and partly cloudy. This summer was politely hot, but with a nice cool calming breeze.

Angel was checking the time nervously, as she made her finishing touches to her makeup before adding her matte lipstick into her purse before adjusting her lilac suspender belt on her thong.

Angel was determined to have her way with Theo as she could see their future in her eyes.

Theo had arranged a little sushi date at Sticks 'n' sushi restaurant in Covent Garden.

At 13:45, Theo was standing outside the restaurant, he patiently waited for his date(their last two dates were magically, they kissed and made out but that was it. There was a massive part of Angel that was Ravenous for Theo.)

"Hey theo!" Angel shouted before running up towards theo and immediately they kissed .

"God! I've missed you!" Theo admitted as blush crept upon his cheeks.

Theo was never a sentimental man until Angel waltzed into his life. He had changed him in a really good way.

Angel slyly slid down from Theos big body.

"Thank you for waiting for me, that's very kind! Now, can we please go in as I am starving?" Angel said snickering at her last remark.

The sushi restaurant was covered in vibrant colours and the conveyor belt circled round the inside making the choices of sushi unlimited.

The sushi ranged from-California roll, spicy tuna,Nigiri and temaki and much more.

This was Theos first time in a sushi restaurant however he was an optimistic person, so he was open to trying new things.

"What are you having, doll?" Theo asked as he sat opposite Angel who looked ravishingly good.

"I'm going to have the spicy tuna x5 and maybe 3 of the eel Nigiri. Why, what are you fancying?"Angel replied while taking a sip of the water that was placed on the table.

"Ok, thank you. Now as a beginner of sushi, what should one have?" Theo questioned.

"WAIT,IT'S YOUR FIRST TIME HAVING SUSHI!!? Well in that case, lets order you a California roll and some veggie Temaki." Angel said as she hovered over the menu and slowly looked back across at theo.

After the food came, it was eaten all up afterwards Theo paid like the gentleman he is and walked back to his place.

"So did you like the sushi?" Angel asked as she hooked her arm through Theos arm as they walked along the Thames River.

"One word- Slimey-!" Theo exclaimed his remark and immediately laughed her head off!

"What are we going to do at your apartment, is it a bachelor pad?" Angel question giggling.

"Depends what you think, I thought that maybe we could do some Netflix and Chill!" Theo said as walking down the stairs of the underground.

The train pulled into the station and the passengers walked in and out.

Theo sensed Angel's nerves of travelling on the tube so he placed his hands on Angel's hips and rubbed his thumbs on her hands that she had on her hips.

"I've got you... I've got you.. I'm here Ange." Theo soothingly said.

It was very calming and Angel was very thankful for theo recognised her behaviour.

Once the train arrived at Bank Station, Theo tapped his fingers on Angel's hips signalling to her this is our stop.

After they got up into the bank in London, Angel took a deep breath.

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