Chapter 8

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Erin POV
I woke up to the smell of french toast and syrup. I let out a yawn as I rolled over and reached for Jordan. I felt nothing but sheets as I sat up and looked around in confusion. I noticed that there was a tray on my nightstand that had french toast, strawberries, orange juice, and tea on it. There was a note so I opened it

'Sorry I had to go so soon but I had a meeting this morning about my game. I had a great time with you last night! I hope you don't mind that I used your food to make you breakfast

I ate my french toast and opened up my twitter. As I was sipping my tea, I saw someone on my feed who's profile picture was Jordan eating a banana. I almost lost it and spit my tea all over my laptop but I managed to hold it in which resulted in tea up my nose. Great.

That picture of Jordan is sexy though...

"Jordan I love you" I moaned as he attacked my neck with kisses.

He pressed me into the wall and kissed me roughly. My hands brushed over his abs but he pulled them up over my head, pinning me to the wall. My legs came up and wrapped around his waist as he-

*WEEOOWEEOOWEEOOWEEOO* I jumped and sat up quickly, banging my head on the headboard of my bed. I was momentarily confused and then I realized that it was my house alarm that had woken me up from my fantasy and that was now blaring its siren.

I ran over to my alarm panel and punched in the code. I was suddenly gripped with fear as I realized that something or someone had to have made it go off.

'What if someone is in here?! I need help! Calm down Erin you're no use if you can think'

I leaned slowly out of the doorway to my room and listened intently for an intruder. All I could hear was the sound of my heart beating loudly. Hearing nothing else, I creeped back towards my bed and let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding.


"shit!" a muffled voice hissed from downstairs.

My heart rate quickened and I backed up towards the wall.

'Who could it be?! I need help!! What do I do!? Don't panic don't panic dontpanicdontpanicDONTPANIC!'

my breath quickened and I knew I needed to calm down or I would be in trouble. I forced myself to take deep breaths, shakily at first, until my breathing was normal. My breathing was normal. My heart rate slowed. I was not panicking. My throat was normal. My eyes were dry. I was not about to start crying. Good. I hated crying.

I walked over to my door and quietly closed and locked it. I grabbed a chair and braced it pressing against the door knob, effectively keeping it from being opened. I grabbed my phone and was about to dial 911 but I stopped and thought.

It was probably Michael in the house, and he usually goes away if you threaten to call the cops. Instead I called Jordan. It answer. I called again. This time he picked up on the 2nd ring.

"Erin?" He muttered groggily, "it's 1:00 are you okay?"

"Jordan there's someone in my house it's probably Michael I can get him to go away but just to be safe Ill call you in 10 minutes. If I don't call you send help."

I said as I looked around for a weapon.

"Erin what!! Are you crazy?! Erin wait don't go just wait I'm coming over just-"

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