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"Not important. Send eomma to me." 

 Mother put her hand on my forehead and said, "Thank God, your fever is gone." 

I lowered my eyes and stammered, "Now I have no objection to the remarriage. Any girl you like is okay for me."

Eomma's face brightened up. She anxiously asked, "Seen any girl?

"No...," I told the truth, "Although Namjoon was talking of some girl in his clan." 

A few days later Namjoon  dropped in. Eomma deftly turned the talks around to that girl. She went to see the girl and returned. She said nothing but looked baffled.

"What's the matter?" I asked softly, "Didn't like the girl?"

"It's not that, Yoongi...but...." 


"I liked the girl but..."


"I liked the girl but "she thought for a while before saying, "Married to that girl either you will be very happy or...painful like opening up of old wounds, it will be."

"What does that mean?"

"She is duplicate copy of Eunha, in looks and habits." "And...." I asked with baited breath,"....her name?"

"Eunji," Ammi said, "I am very puzzled." Eunha mentioned that very name in her suicide note."

I also got a mild shock. Eomma pushed the matter. I was married to her four months later
 After getting rid of boisterous friends I entered the nuptial room with a pounding heart. After a few ritualistic talk, I lifted her veil and got the expected shock. A Eunha look alike confronted me.

Now I am married again eight years. Eunji fulfilled Eomma 's desire. I am father of two kids. Eunji had everything that Eunha had. Sometimes I brood in loneliness...when and where Eunha had heard the name Eunji ? Did she know her already? Was it Eunha that I saw in the form of a doe?"


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