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"Twelve years! My God!! So, she is all miniskirts, Baywatch, single bars, Madona and disco girl. How would she adjust in our society? The western life style does not fit in our scheme of things."

 "You are absolutely wrong there man. She is all eastern. No trace of western culture. Very polite and eastern manners. Smooth skin and marble colour... 

"When she wakes up in the morning mascara and powder solution is flooding her cheeks...!" I tried to pull Namjoon's leg. "And she will take rabbit for a lion and flee back to Canada. Go to sleep, friend The hunters need some rest "You are right.. ho-hum!?" He yawned and sprawled to sleep. 

I came out of the tent. It was moonlit night The air was tolerably cold but blowing fast. The outside fire was visible as a flickering light. It was a strangely soothing experience...almost intoxicating. The hill folk were still singing around the fire.

 Our servant ran to me and enquired, "What's it, sir? Are you not feeling sleepy?"

"Jongsoo, do you know the hill language?" I asked instead of answering him

"A little getting the hang of it," he revealed. "Tell me, what is their song about? I wanted to know.

"It's not a song but an invitation to the prey," Jongsoo said and added, "They are calling the prey nearer."

Suddenly, a guard raced to us and he said something to Jongsoo in anxiety ridden tone. "What's he saying?" I enquired.

"A doe has gone behind the tent," Jongsoo informed.

"Beware! No one shoots," I warned sharply.

"I don't understand, sir,"

"Doe is a very innocent creature. The symbol of feminine grace. Have you seen a doe prancing or gamboling? It's poetry in motion." "But master, we are here for hunting. The deer meat makes fantastic kebabs."

 "Don't argue," I said losing my cool. "Tell those hill folk to sing again loudly. "

"That will frighten away the doe to safety." Jongsoo went away grumbling.


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