Chapter 2: Phil's house

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Wilbur was going to Phil's house for help.

Why? I'm glad you asked.

Wilbur needed help finding a job, and according to Techno, Tommy already has a job.

But Wilbur doesn't.

The fuck.

Yeah, I'm confused also.

Apparently, Tommy is a small streamer on twitch. He got a job at GameStop, an appropriate job for a gamer I suppose.

Tommy said that this really cute girl kept coming into GameStop.

Tommy likes woman.

REALLY likes woman.

It's unhealthy.

Anyways, Wilbur was going to Phil's house to see Tommy. He wanted to ask Tommy if he could get Wilbur a job there.

Finally, one problem to deal with off the list.

Anyways, Wilbur approached Phil's house and knocked extremely loudly more times than he should've.

"Hey Wilbur." Phil had opened the door, with his long green robe on, and big green and white striped hat.

"Hi dad."

"What's brings you here?"

"Nothing much, I just wanna see family."

"Alright then."

And Phil gestured Wilbur inside.


Wilbur instantly recognized the loud booming voice coming from the couch.

"Hi Tommy."

Wilbur awkwardly sat himself down on the couch as far away from Tommy and possible.
"What are you playing?"

"Minecraft. It's a good game, try it some time."
Tommy grabbed a drink of water then picked up his controller once more.

"I don't have a gaming system."

"Then get one dumbass."

"I don't have a job."

An awkward silence filled the room for a second, Wilbur bit his lip and looked at the TV screen.
"I was actually wondering if you could attempt getting me a job at GameStop with you-?"

"Sure. It shouldn't be that hard they'd hire anyone." Tommy smiled then began playing his game again, only to get blown up by a creeper.


Wilbur laughed, Tommy's raging was assuming to him.

To be honest, Wilbur expected getting Tommy to ask to get him a job would be harder, but it was a quick and easy interaction that Wilbur was grateful for.

"It'll be nice to have another coworker. This one fucker and me always have shifts together, he's in college."

"Yeah- there's always gonna be that one coworker that your not fond of." Wilbur was acting like he has had a job before, and he has. But being a Taco Bell cashier couldn't be considered much experience.

"You worked at a fucking Taco Bell shut up."

Tommy and Wilbur both bursted into laughter.

Phil was in the kitchen cooking, he had over heard all their conversations.
"Wilbur won't last a day at a job."
Phil shook away his thoughts and invited Wilbur to eat dinner with them.

Wilbur was starving, so he naturally said yes.

"When will techno be here next?"

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