She smiled widely, crooked, "I can lend a hand with that as well."


As Korra walked up to Air Temple Island, she was greeted by a blast of air from the air scooters of Meelo and Ikki. Followed by Ronan, who's focused on not stumbling down the pavement while running towards her.

He met the youngest by crouching and letting him hug her with his feet crossed around her waist and his hands around her neck.

"Korra! Have you seen the bigger mecha tanks Kuvira's army has up close? Do you think they're going to attack again? We should be ready to defend ourselves!" Meelo asked while he circled around them with his air scooter. Very strange to think how the notion of an upcoming war is just a regular conversation with someone this young.

She gave Ronan some fire gummies and the rest to Ikki, who was walking beside her.

"I've seen it, though there weren't any of it left because we totally beat their ass," She grinned or at least tried to. Maybe Korra could lighten it up, just for a little bit, "We'll make sure we prepare ourselves, so nobody gets hurt even more."

"Do you think the people around the area are okay?" Ikki asked. Korra met her eyes and she thought this was the first she had ever looked at the girl. She has grown taller. She looks more like her mother, perhaps a relief for Pema as her kids have gotten their abilities from their father. However, the look in her eyes was full of concern and Korra wished she could try to soften the blow with Ikki.

"I'll look into it after we meet with the council. I'll also make sure everyone will be tended to." Korra gave Ikki a knowing smile.

"Why does Kuvira do this? I thought she wanted peace within the nation. I feel like she's doing more damage than good."

"Sometimes, when you get so obsessed with achieving what you want, you do a lot of unspeakable things just to achieve it," Korra said. They were halfway across the main house. Meelo stopped using his air scooter and was now walking with them.

"If she tries to take over the city by force, we'll fight back! I'm ready now. I've been training a lot, Korra. You'll see." Ikki made karate motions with her hands and kicked the air playfully, "I won't let Kuvira take our home."

Korra tapped her head and smiled at her. "I'll be right there with you."

They parted ways right when Korra entered the household. The kids were due their morning meditation with the other air acolytes at the back of the island.

Korra saw Tenzin sitting at one of the tables in the dining area. Ronan jumped down and ran to Pema, who came from the kitchen.

"Morning, Korra, honey. Have you eaten?" Pema asked while she sat Ronan on her lap.

"I took some food to munch on from Asami's kitchen," She shrugged and caught Pema raised an eyebrow in the corner of her eye while Korra sat from across the table.

"Korra, I'd say it's a surprise to see you awake at this time. But then again, so much has changed." Tenzin said while he took a sip of his tea.

Korra poured tea on her cup, "Still hate mornings though." She paused and looked up at Tenzin. From the bags in his eyes, she could tell he hadn't slept well.

"How are things in the city?" She asked while she took a sip of her tea as well.

"The enforcers and the workers started clearing some of the debris and broken glasses last night after everyone had left. Evacuation is still in the process while we make sure everyone is safe and have someplace to stay for the next few weeks." Tenzin responded, hands clasped together, "I'm afraid we may have to prepare for the days to come. This might be an upcoming war between Kuvira's forces."

In Her Eyes, I See The Stars DancingWhere stories live. Discover now