❅ Longer Description ❅

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Christmas wasn't always the best holiday, especially for my family. My family has never been the most.. loving per say, we honestly never really celebrated. I mean sometimes I would get presents from my friends but that's about it.

But when I got asked by some of my friends in the mcyt community to join them on a Christmas trip, I couldn't refuse, I mean can you blame me?? A FREE trip to New York AND a FREE hotel room for the whole month!!? I mean yeah, I had to share said hotel room but most of them were my friends anyway!

Key word: most. I made good friends with most of the mcyt community.. except for dream. I met him about a month after meeting everyone else and for some reason he's always made it his job to ruin my fun when I'm with any other cc,

But I'm not letting that ruin my first real Christmas.


A/n: This is obviously REALLY short, most of the chapters are going to be around 1000-3000 words, i don't really have a set schedule on when I wanna update so for now it might be a little random but I really do hope you guys enjoy, ily alll<33

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