{6} So You Can Do Time-Travelling Too?

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"Wei Wuxian! Stop rambling and just go back to do work on that- Whatever it is."

"Hey! The name is Spirit-Attraction Flag!"

"Your naming sense is weird"

"Like yours isn't!"


"Gongzi, gongzi. We continue this night hunt first-"


"The flag is ready! Let's do a test on this."

Wei Wuxian attaches the two Spirit-Attraction Flags on his boat and Jiang Wanyin's boat.

Then, the waiting session comes.

Around them, the silence stretches far and the most around them somehow thicken into the point where no one can see anything around them and have to rely on their voice.

A gurgle,

A splash,

A scream.



The sound of battle intensifies as more and more water ghouls jump out from the water.

Boats are creaking and the sound of footsteps from disciples is rapidly heard as they spin and jump to dodge the water ghouls.

In the middle of the fight, two sword glares, red and blue, fly through the mist and efficiently eliminate the ghouls.

Looking at Lan Wangji's Bichen in the water, a Lan disciple also shoves his sword down to the water, but his sword doesn't come back to the surface and he panics. One of the disciples scolds the disciple for his foolishness and recklessness.

"Su Mingshan! What are you doing?!"

"I-I thought Lan-Er-Gongzi also-"

No matter how stupid his action is, his sentence is much stupider. Who could pair Lan Wangji's mighty Bichen to an outer disciple's ordinary spiritual sword? Su Mingshan's face is pale like his white robe.

Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji are working together. Their sword intersects with each other. The blue from Bichen and red from Suibian are dancing together.

With the last slice from Suibian and Bichen, the battle ended.

Lan Wangji is fascinated with Wei Wuxian's agile and slim-built spiritual sword.

"What's the name of your sword."


"The name... Of your sword"


Lan Wangji gives him a strange look

"It is disrespectful to call a spiritual sword with 'whatever'"*

Wei Wuxian burst to laugh

"Bu shi, Lan Zhan! This sword's name is SuiBian!"

He shows Lan Wangji the scabbard. Characters 随便 (Suíbiàn) is written on it.

Lan Wangji, with a blank face, responded with "Ridiculous"

"Hahaha, Lan Zhan! This name is great to tease someone as rigid as you are!"

Wei Wuxian's face softened with a nostalgic look on his face.

"If you ask the meaning of it, there's nothing. Jiang-Shushu once asked me what I want to name the sword. After I think of a few names, nothing is right with me so I say, Suibian! (Whatever!) and Jiang Shushu named the sword with Suibian so that's how this sword named it." I miss you, Suibian. I'm sorry for leaving you in my last life. I will hold unto you always even if I don't have my golden core this time.

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