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Now, two weeks later, he stood in a club with felice and her friends, bright colourful lights and loud music playing.

They had caught up, it was awkward at first, but they quickly got comfortable once again.

And Wilhelm was drinking. A lot.

He can't handle seeing Simon if he isn't At least a little drunk, it'll hurt him too much, and he'd rather forget it.

Simon hadn't shown up, and Wilhelm was really hoping he wouldn't, And an hour passed before Wilhelm's heart sank.

there he was, straying away from felice and her friends, in order to ignore wilhelm.

Wilhelm was taken aback by his appearance, so much different than the last time he'd seen him.
Long curly hair, about shoulder length, in the most streetstyle outfit Wilhelm had ever seen.

So much different than when wilhelm watched him anxiously walk into the society party all those years ago. Now he was confident in himself, more than ever.

"I'm gonna go, get some air. I have a headache." Wilhelm told Madison, she nodded and continued partying.

He stood outside for a moment, breathing in the cold night time air.

What the fuck am I gonna do?

"Fuck." He leaned against a wall, running a hand through his hair, biting his nails, thinking of nothing but Simon.

He considered leaving, but decided against it. Felice would be upset.
He considered speaking to Simon, but how the fuck was he supposed to do that?

Instead he went back inside to felice and her friends, drinking shots back to back as the loud music played on, he ignored his headache.

It was 11:34, he was caught in a corner with a ridiculously pretty girl, getting closer and closer.

For a moment it seemed like Simon, her curly hair being his remembrance.
He got lost in the moment, and his mind was focused on Simon and only Simon, so when she kissed him, he just pretended.

It felt amazing, he let her kiss him, and kissed her back with the same amount of enthusiasm.

He felt eyes trained on him, and he knew it was Simon.

His hands rested on her waist as they swayed to the music, his intoxication taking charge of him, he kissed the girl once again.

Normally he wouldn't treat a woman like this, but he was drunk, and needed touch from anyone.

He could feel the guilt forming in the back of his mind, but ignored it. He needed this.

She pulled back, "do you wanna get out of here?" Wilhelm just panicked.

"Um- I cant, it's my friends birthday, they'd be pretty pissed if I left."

"We could do this some other time then, want my number?"
Fuck, No, he really didn't.

"Uh, yeah, sure." He'd throw it out later, pretend it got lost.

She handed him a scrap of paper with a number lazily written on it, smiling at him as she left.

A billion thoughts ran through his mind, And then Simons stare on him began to hurt.

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