telling my family and friends im lesbian

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Once i realized i was gay and i started dating kelsi i realized i had to tell my family and friends. the first person i told was my bestfriends and of course they accepted me. then i told my mom, nana, and stepdad. and they accepted me. then i told my grandma, aunts, and cousin. and of course they all accepted me. but then it came down to my homophobic dad. i decided to tell him on texts because i don't like telling him stuff in person. when i told him he accepted me at first but now he always blames me getting in trouble on being gay and he blames me being gay on me hanging out with my friends. but my friends are all straight. one is bi which she's dating my now called ex. kelsi. but anyways everyone else accepts me besides my dad. but now that i live with him he has to realize i'm not going to change i'm going to be gay. nothing can change me and what people say won't change me

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