Chapter 30

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Lucy was drowning. The sea in her lungs was cold and heavy. Strength left her body. The world went black.

"Will you please stop screaming?" a man shouted.

She broke off and opened her eyes, then stared at the cave entrance.

"Thank you." Malem crossed the distance, his purple tattoos flashing. "It is difficult to enter with an alarmed cave guardian blocking the way."

"I thought I was drowning," she choked out. Her bubbles erupted for the surface.

"You know you are a mer queen? You will deafen all your enemies with that unnatural shriek." He severed the zip ties with his trident, and he was so skillful that the tip didn't even brush her skin. "Hurry and transform. We must go to King Torun before the other warriors attack."

"King Torun?" she repeated, stretching out her arms and legs. Her T-shirt floated up around her neck. She yanked it down.

"The new seed was planted in his inner courtyard. It took root and has begun to grow."

Oh yes. The seed had broken from her shout. Lassie escaped with it. Of course, the octopus had returned it to their castle.

Thank goodness.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Her eyes burned, and a lump threatened her water-filled throat.

A new Life Tree meant the city wouldn't wither. Sireno, and all the mer within it, would continue strong and healthy.

Including Torun, as soon as they released him from Blake's sick death trap.

"Transform," Malem said. "Come. Hurry. We must fly to King Torun's aid."

"It's not so easy." She flexed her feet. "I can't do it on command."

"You must." Malem darted to the bend and returned, impatient. "King Torun broke the covenant and dishonored our traditions. Because Prince Jolan has never fathered a young fry, the order of kings is broken. Many support King Torun's grandfather as ruler of both the council and the throne. Warriors are coming to ensure this unprecedented domination."

She forced her feet into awkward positions. "So now you're on Torun's side?"

"The Life Tree has selected his castle. However, his castle was also once his grandfather's, and King Torun broke many traditions."

"His grandfather is trying to murder him so he can break the rules unopposed. You people only care about 'traditions' when it's convenient."

"Why is that any surprise?" He frowned at her. "If you understand, please hurry. We must placate the cave guardian and escape."

"How did you get in? Did you steal a jewel too?"

"I did not." He held up a Sea Opal. Anger crossed his face. "A human was dropping them like pebbles from an overfilled net."


Malem huffed. "Are you truly focusing?"

"How long did it take you to transform the first time?"

He avoided the answer. "Time is of the essence."

"Well, what do you expect me to do?"

"I expect you to summon the powers of the new Life Tree, defend King Torun, and destroy all his attackers in a brilliant flash."

She flushed hot and cold. A stranger who barely seemed to like her had complete faith that she was a badass.

Well, maybe she was worthy of his faith. Two weeks ago, she would have laughed him out of this cave. But today, thanks to Torun, she was changed. "Fine. Give me that."

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