I shift.

I reluctantly shift into my wolf to push the rogues off. I rip the throat of the one who tried to rip mine. As i throw his bloodied body to the side it hits a tree with a sickening crack. Suddenly luke is beside me doing the same to the other wolf. 

Sharp pain rushes through me. I shift back to my human form. My wolf retreats and wines in my head. Shes hurting as well. Luke shifts beside me and takes me in his arms. Worry etched on his face while pain etches mine.

I know what it is. So does he so he doesnt ask. 

I had to shift. You cant shift while pregnant. It kills the baby .

I killed our baby. The future alphas baby. 

Luke lets out a mournful howl. As the fighting dies down more howls join in and our parents approach us. Confusion on their face at my sad face and lukes furious one. My mom drops to my side. 

"Are you ok? Are you hurt? What can i do"

I grab her into a hug and let the tears flow. She rubs my back and tries to sooth me. I cry harder.

Luke takes me from her grasp. Holding me tight and cooeing soothing words in my ear. 

" we will be ok. Its not your fault. I will make the rogues pay for this."

Our parents share a confused look. 

Luke looks up at them and sighs. Pulling me tighter into his chest he took in a deep breath.

"The rogues caused the death of  the future alpha, my child."

Our mothers gasp and all still look at him confused. 

" riley was pregnant with my child"

All of them start talking at once 

My mom hugs me and tells me its ok. 

Luna hugs me as well and rubs my belly.

Dad and alpha gregor are staring daggers at luke.

I get up and take his hand.

" what were you two thinking? What about your future mates?" My father barks.

" dad we werent thinking thats the problem. We let our hormones get the better of us. Our wolves are so close they didnt object. It just happened" i cried out.

Luke wraps his arms around me and kisses my head.

 Dad lets out a growl which lukes matches but even louder.

" i think after everyone has calmed down after a few days to take all this in that you two need to be limiting your time together. Your mates will be known to you in a few months and putting space between you now will make that transition easier."  Alpha gregor speaks out.

Luke tenses 

"Father you cant do that. You know how much she means to me"

"Son thats the point. Shes not your mate . she is your friend. You need to get your hormones in check" alpha used his alpha tone. Luke hates when he does that. He reluctantly backs away in defeat.

"I know your wolves connection which is why you can still see eachother just with moderation" 

We bow our heads to thank him. Lukes lifts me up. She will stay with me till we have to moderate our interaction. 

They go to protest and luke growls.

" we have just lost our child. No matter the circumstance we were both prepared to have this child together. We will now grieve together"

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