"I absolutely can. You'll see." Harry shrugs. "What time is it?" He asks before Louis has the time to reply to the first thing he has said. Louis grabs his phone and looks at the screen.

"It says 4:33." Louis informs him.

"We should go now if we don't want to be late for the tour." Harry says happily and gets up, already walking out of the room. Louis rolls his eyes and follows him, making sure to lock the room and then he pockets the keys.


"There is no way I'm doing this again in my life and let alone with you." Louis says as he throws himself in his bed after the tour.

The tour was cool in itself and it was not always in the dark but it sometimes happened that they were in darker places. And when this happened, Louis was not very serene so he was sticking closer to Harry. When Harry realised that Louis was in fact scared of the dark, this fucker thought it would be funny to scare the hell out of Louis by randomly grabbing his arm and shaking him left and right or to let Louis walk in front of him and blow air in his neck to pretend someone was about to kill him.

Harry laughs and sits at the edge of his bed. "Oh come on, it was fun."

Louis sits up to throw Harry a death glare and Harry bites his lip not to laugh.

"Of course it was fun for you, idiot. All you did was scare the living daylights out of me." He shakes his head and Harry rolls his eyes.

"I specifically asked you beforehand if you were scared of the dark and you told me that no you weren't." Harry points out. "You shouldn't have lied."

He had a point. A fair one, even. But fuck that.

"You don't even know me and yet you feel way too comfortable around me." Louis says and Harry shrugs.

"Yeah, that's in my nature. I usually feel comfortable around people and trust them blindly."

"You know it's not a quality, right?" Louis raises a brow.

"Oh yeah I do. But I can't help it." Louis rolls his eyes at Harry's wide eyes. He is so lucky Louis is not a murderer or such.

"Can we go eat? I'm starving." Harry says, clapping his knees and gazing expectantly at Louis.

"Where should we eat?" Louis asks because he has no idea where they could go eat.

"There's a restaurant 200 feet underneath us." He beams.

"Okay." Louis agrees. He was hungry as well and it could be cool.

"Let's go then." Harry gets up and walks out. "Oh by the way, I'm paying." He says and walks out the door.

Louis follows him quickly and makes sure to lock behind them, because Harry never seems to do so, before running after him. When he catches up, he flicks Harry's ear and Harry frowns.

"Hey." He complains.

"Stop wanting to pay for everything we're doing, Dimples. I'm not your sugar baby and therefore you don't have to take care of me. I'm twenty three and had a job, so I'm perfectly able to take care of myself." Louis tells Harry.

"You're twenty three and had a job?" Harry says.

"Well, yeah. I got fired." He admits. "How old are you?" He changes topic, ashamed of the reason why he got fired.

"I'm twenty one." Harry answers as they near the elevator to go down to the restaurant .

"Don't we have to have a reservation?" Louis asks when they step inside.

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