"Now You Show Up?!"

Start from the beginning

Shepard walked through the catwalks, tailing Talid and the Krogan bodyguard, Thane followed down below. Shepard tried with all her might to look out for him, but he generally became part of the shadows even when he commented he could see either Valid or Shepard in the catwalks.

They'd near the end and finally, Shepard saw him. A Drell, he had some colouring of Thane and then a hint of yellow, almost a gold tinge. She didn't know what else to do when she watched him approach Talid.

"Kolyat!" Shepard screamed, and Drell turned to the call of his name. Talid turned around at the same time. Kolyat panicked and shot his pistol, killing the Krogan. "Thane?" Shepard called as she climbed down, Thane was right by her side as they ran after Talid and Kolyat into his apartment.

"I saw," he responded as they ran down the hall. Talid apartment was easy to find with the door being kicked in by Kolyat. They both walk in, Thane unharmed but Shepard had a pistol pointed at him.

"This... this is a joke, right? Now, now you turn up?" Kolyat spits as he holds the gun to the back of kneeling Turians neck.

"Son put the gun down," Thane commanded. Kolyat shook his head. Holding the gun even tighter. Bailey had joined, and the news of the dead Krogan travelled fast. He stood next to Shepard. "They'll be snipers outside," Thane whispered, trying to reason with his son.

"I don't care, I'm leaving and he's coming with me." Talid hissed as the gun barrel was pressed against his head.

"Help me, Drell, I'll do whatever you want," he begged. Shepard had enough, she shot the light just behind Kolyat. It distracted him enough to turn and lower the gun, Shepard moved in and pushed him back as she swiped the gun from his hand.

"Talid, get the hell out of here. You speak of nothing that happened or I'll deal with you myself," she threatened. Talid quickly got to his feet, nodding as he flew out of his apartment. "Kolyat, your dad doesn't have much time left, just hear him out," she requested as she moved behind Thane.

He gave her a small nod as he closed the distance between himself and Kolyat. "Son, I'm sorry for all... this. This was not a life I or your mother wanted."

"Why do you care about your mother? You were never there when she was alive, let alone dead," he hissed. Thane looked at the ground, feeling himself breaking inside.

"I hunted them down, the triggermen and ring leaders who killed her." Kolyat dropped his defensive stance, shocked at the revelation.

"What?" he gasped.

"Kolyat," Thane mumbled, still looking at the floor. "I've taken many bad things from this world, you're the only good thing I've added to it." Kolyat broke down at his words, the tears fell down his cheeks. Bailey cleared his throat as he stepped forward.

"This isn't a conversation to have with strangers. Officer, get a room for Kolyat and his father to talk in private." The officers nodded as he led Thane and a crying Kolyat to the C-sec car outside.

"Thank's, Bailey," Shepard muttered as she followed him out.

Bailey scratched the back of his neck. "Yeah, well, send me a Christmas card or somethin'," he muttered in reply.


Shepard left with Garrus to deal with Sidonis; she promised to meet Thane back at Bailey's desk when she was done. The ride in the car was deathly silent, Kolyat wouldn't speak to anyone. The room they were given was mostly dark with a table and two chairs at either side.

"Son?" Thane asked as he looked at his son's bowed head. Kolyat's leg shook in with anxiety.

"Why did you leave?" he asks as he finally looks up. His scales glistened with his tears.

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