"I know what a meeting is Ms. Cheung. I just don't think it was—

"See that's where you cross the line Mr. Lee. You don't get paid to think anything of your clients. You get paid to to come up with positive narratives and solutions to protect and maintain their images. All you've done so far is restate the problem approximately 6 times since this "meeting" started," she says, putting air quotes around the word.

Taken aback and at a loss for words, Mr. Lee blinks rapidly at the screen as if he couldn't believe someone was speaking to him this way.

You could hear a pin drop in the room and Namjoon his his smile behind his hand. Sehee ducked out of camera view with her hand over her mouth to muffle her giggles, making Jimin, Tae, and Hobi struggle to keep their composure—each looking in a different direction and fixating on something on the wall—a trick they did to get them through amusing meetings. Jin shook his head, playing with his fingers in his lap and JK stared at her in shock, wishing he had the balls to do what she'd done so effortlessly. Yoongi did nothing to hide his proud smile. Boy did it bring him joy to see these new pompous assholes knocked off their high horses. He missed when the company was smaller and everyone felt like family. Nowadays, the company was filled with hotshot businessmen like this who didn't give a damn about them personally.

"Mr. Lee, do you by chance grocery shop when you're home?" Crystal asks, her face deadly serious.

Everyone perks up, looking at her and then each other, wondering where she was going with this. Sehee understood right off the bat though, her smile dropping into a more sullen expression.

"What does that have—

"Just humor me. Do you go grocery shopping?" she repeats.

"Yes, Ms. Cheung. I do go grocery shopping. Is that all?" he asks, tossing his hands up in exasperation.

"No I'm not finished. I see that you're married and judging by that tie you have children. Am I correct?" she asks and he nods, crossing his arms.

His had on a wedding ring and his tie was clearly designed by a child. There were colorful little doodles on it that only a child would draw.

"So I assume you take them out for family time— to the park, the movies, school," she says and he nods again, an exasperated look on his face.

"Tell me, do you ever fear for your family's safety when you go out?" she asks.

"No, we live in a very safe area," he says, his facial expression ironing out as he starts to get the gist of her questions.

"How lucky of you to have that privilege. The freedom to just do as you please without fearing for your safety...or the safety of your family. You see, Mr. Lee. As of today, we just lost that privilege. It will probably be a long time from now that we will ever be able to enjoy the simplest of things without security present. I just came back from an outing with my family, something I probably won't be able to do again any time soon without taking drastic measures to keep us all safe. Sehee and I—our lives are about to turn upside down. We have families and businesses to protect. Everything we have is out on the line and all because someone decided to leak those videos—so going forward, you might want to redirect some of that aggression to the actual culprit," she finishes with a disappointed shake of her head.

Mr. Lee is once again at a loss for words, leaning back in his chair with his closed fist to his mouth. He blows out a sigh of relief when Bang PD connects to the call.

He greets everyone and Yoongi introduces him and Crystal, to whom he immediately apologizes for having to meet for the first time under such circumstances. His energy was unmistakably kind and positive, a breath of fresh air compared to the assholes she'd come in contact with from the company.

Bonded: A Min Yoongi x OC Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now