Chapter 1: The Telephone

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"Oh C'mon Remus !" James pouted, his hand still pulling on Remus' sleeves. "I need a shopping buddy."

The taller gave him a tired look before sighing. He really can't say no to the Potter. "Alright, let me go get my coat."

Winter is approaching which means the season of the big, red, gift giving, man is coming as well. Hence James dragging Remus to various shops on a mission to find the best gift for Lily.

"Would you reckon she'd like this dress ?"

Without a reply, James groaned. "Fine, I'll look for something else."

Remus scoffed. "I didn't even say anything !"

James sneered from over the clothing rack. "Your face says it all Moon Moon."

Remus rolled his eyes and returns to his own rack. Some odd colored top, a pair of jeans and... a leather jacket.

Sirius would love this, Remus thought.

He picked up the black leather and saw it under a better light. That caught James' attention.

"He'd like that." He smiled.

Remus nodded. "Maybe I should get it."

But his actions don't reflect the thought. The leather jacket remains hanging on the steel bar. Remus walks away to look around.

His eyes land on an interesting collection of old phones.

He lightly touches some of them before stopping at a familiar red rotary dial style telephone.

Sirius had one in his apartment. Though it became useless when they invented an electric phone without the pesky rotary dials. He still kept it, for the aesthetics he said.

Out of pure boredom, and a little hope, he picked up the handset. As expected, he hears nothing. Then Remus slowly dials Sirius' number.


The phone beeped.

Remus threw the handset back on its red handles. That did not just happen.

He bent to check the cable. Found the thing unplugged and rolled neatly by its side. Remus gulped. What the hell just happened ?

Unlike any other sane person, he picked the handset again and placed it against his ear. He must be hallucinating, right ?

He dials again. Lo and behold, the phone beeped.

Remus felt sweat trickle down his forehead. The plug is resting in his palm. This is impossible.

"Hey, Sirius Black speaking. Who's this ?"

Remus' mouth fell open.

In this tiny secluded corner of the horribly dusty shop, he hears his boyfriend.

"I-It's Remus. Hey.."

He could hear the smile in Sirius' voice. "Aw hi baby ! Why'd you call ? Andromeda's birthday party will end soon don't worry."

Andromeda's birthday party ?

"Oh right. It's-"

"I have to go now sweetheart. She wants me to give a speech !"

Sirius' laughter rang through, Remus smiled. "Alright, I'll... see you.. love."

"Quicker than a blink. I love you !"

Remus' throat felt tight. "I love you more."

The line ended and Remus had tears in his eyes.

"Rem ? What's wrong mate ?" James shook his shoulders. "Why you crying ?"

He doesn't know what to say.

What would James think if he heard Remus say he managed to call his dead boyfriend from a dead phone ?

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