Start from the beginning

Wren's heart began to patter quickly, as her blood ran cold, was her father lying dead in this old abandoned house in the middle of nowhere? Is this where he went?

"Let's head in I guess." Matt hesitated, lifting the tape for them to crouch under. 

The inside of the house was no different than the outside, moss growing on the shattered windows, broken floors, leading directly to the entrance to a chilling basement, the words DEAD PEOPLE DOWN HERE with an arrow pointing to the doorway.

"Yikes..." Wren muttered, "I've got a bad gut feeling about this guys..." she told them.

"I'll go first girls, trust me, I've seen dead people before, this can't be that bad." Tammy inched her way down the old creaky stairs, one nearly snapping under her weight as she crept down. the sound of her shoes on the concrete floor became farther and farther away, silence, and then- feet violently sprinting back to the stairs, nearly falling over, Tammy raced back up the stairs.

"OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!" she huffed, eyes were blown wide and her face paled slightly. 

Sasha sped over, throwing his coat over her shoulders, "What did you see down there Tamm?!" he questioned frantically "What in the hell was down there?!" he shook her lightly in an attempt to get some information out of her.

Wren quickly walked past both Sasha and a traumatized Tammy, making her way down the stairs.

"Wren wait!" Tammy called out, shifting her way out of Sasha's arms and after Wren. "Don't go down by yourself.

"Hold on kid!" Matt exclaimed as the rest of the group made their way into the basement.

Wren was already way across the dusty basement before the rest of them managed to catch up, but it was too late, she'd already seen what shook Tammy up so much.

"Dear God..." she whispered, having to cup her mouth as she stood at the feet of the corpse of none other than Ryeo Eun Sun, her Mother's nurse. "Whurgh-" she hacked, attempting to keep herself from vomiting all over the floor.


Ryeo's body was severely mangled, her smocks torn halfway open to reveal half of the stomach, a large stab wound made into her abdomen, resembling a c-section scar, intestines, and bowels exposed to the cool air. A thick gash made across her face, cutting straight through her cheek and into her mouth, now hanging open with dried blood crusting on the edges of her lips and the cut-through of her cheek. Overall, there was no way she would've or could've survived, she was a goner. 

"G-Guys, look." Hestia tapped her on the shoulder, pointing to one of the concrete walls, the words: I'M STILL HERE BITCH scrawled in black spraypaint, directly above her corpse.

"Holy shit..." Matt gasped, "It wasn't her, you were right Wren." he managed to get the words out, as another set of steps walked towards them.

"What are you dumbasses doing down here?" an annoyed voice called out. They all turned to face Heidi, the coroner, hands on her hips, gloved in thick blue rubber. "How were you allowed down here before me, I'm the one who supposed to see the victims first." She pointed harshly at the rickety stairs, a sign for them to leave.

"We were just-" Wren tried to explain, but was promptly cut off by Miss Wilkinson.

"AH-AH, SHUT UP" she yelled, reverberating off of the walls as she approached her, "I don't care, STOP sticking your nose in what doesn't involve you little shit." she insulted, pressing her gloved finger to Wren's chest.

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