chapter 1

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Stiles Pov

As I was driving home from my drive, I started thinking about how i was starting to notice that the pack is distancing themselves from me, they are not really speaking to me at school, not inviting me to pack meetings anymore and only using me when needing information on new threats in town. This never really me sad only angry and at some points my wolf wanting nothing more than to come out and kill them but I couldn't let that put a bump in my plans. You see the pack doesn't know the real me they only thing that I am skinny defenceless stiles but I'm not I'm over 1000 years old and more powerful than them all together.

I was taken out of why thoughts when i saw that there was a girl sitting at the side of the road crying with her head in her hands. As much as I wanted to keep driving I felt a pull towards her and the sweet smell of strawberry's mixed with a bit of pain but that didn't bother me I thought it smelt nice. I have never felt or even smelt this before in my life, this was strange for me so I drove closer but the closer I got the more of her face I could how beautiful she looked. She has wavy auburn hair, light blue eyes and full lips and even sitting down I could see she was shorter than I was but saying that I am not that short I'm about 6ft. She must have saw the light from the front lights of my jeep because she looked up, wiped her eyes and stood up. As I was about to step out the jeep after I have parked at the side of the road I looked over and saw that the girl was missing, frowning I started the jeep back up and continued the drive home.

As I drove home I saw the sheriff sitting drinking, you see in one way or another since his wife had died he was always either drinking or he is at work so he doesn't speak to me much. Now that you know a bit about my day  and how much shit it has gone to in the past few years. I should introduce myself my name is Meiczyslaw stilinski but called stiles by everyone I'm about 1000 years old and one of the first supernatural creatures to roam the earth due to the fox that is living inside of me. this is my life on how I found my mate and what happened after.
Words: 440

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