Camping Ch5

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A/N as always, Greg, Mike, and FABAE belong to ShyCourage

"We should play a game," Michael proposed once everyone has gathered around after finishing their tents. "Any ideas?"

Greg grinned maliciously. "Just one, and once you're caught you're out." He tapped Spider-Man on the shoulder before bolting. "Spidey's it!"

Spider-Man glanced left and right and noticed with a sense of alarm that his companions had already sprinted a great deal away. If they made it to the tree line, things would get a whole lot more difficult. He began to aim his wrist.

"No webbing us down, Short-Stack!"

Darn it!

Disappointed, Spider-Man dropped his arm as they disappeared from sight. If he couldn't just web them down, he had to find a way to make himself faster. His enhanced speed was great for short, straight bursts, but it would be no good running around dodging trees. So, he did what any sane spider-person who doesn't think things through would do and took off his shoes. And socks - don't forget the socks. You'll want to remember that he spends the game barefoot - it'll be important later.

With the rare feeling of grass between is toes gracing his feet (he didn't make a habit of taking his shoes off in the park, no matter what his aunt may tell you), he took off towards the tree line, reaching it in less than two seconds thanks to that aforementioned short burst of speed in a straight line. Once there, paused and closed his eyes, letting his enhanced senses give him a hand. A twig snapping to his right was all the prompting he needed to jump into a tree, completely ignore the small rhythmic thrum at the base of his skull (I'm sure it's just a headache), and begin his prowl towards the source of the noise. When he arrived, the cause had vanished, but he was able to make out a faint clue. There was the slightest smell of cheese in the air, and he recalled Brian having been munching on some Cheetos in the van.

Okay, even Spider-Man had to admit that was a little bit freaky.

Nonetheless, the chase was afoot. Brian put up a good run, but he simply couldn't match the pace Spider-Man could keep as the arachni-kid jumped from tree to tree. Once Spider-Man had caught up, Brian was soon tagged.

"How'd you find me?" Brian huffed out, gasping for air after his sprint. "I had such a good lead and wasn't loud."

Spider-Man shrugged. "I could smell the Cheetos."

"You could-? That's..."

"-weird, I know," Spider-Man said awkwardly as he moved to scratch his neck. "Enhanced senses and all that jazz, y'know? Still, last I checked, smelling the trail of the Cheetos you ate several hours ago feels a bit extra."

Brian smiled as he started his trek back to the campsite. "It's a good weird, I guess. Good luck finding everyone else. I was the only one munching on Cheetos, so you'll need to find something else to pick out. I'm going to check out our firewood situation, and I might end up collecting some more."

"Okay, have fun, I guess."

With Brian gone, Spider-Man had to come up with a new way to find people. Once again, he closed his eyes and began to listen. No twigs snapped, and no heavy breathing. That meant that everyone had settled down into a spot to wait. This could get tricky.

With little thought to the consequence, Spider-Man strained to hear more. And then, ever so faintly, he heard it: a heartbeat. It wasn't coming from Brian's direction, so it must have belonged to one of the hiding men. Silently, Spider-Man crawled through the trees to his left. Soon, the light sound of shallow breathing was heard, and the vigilante knew he was getting close. He caught sight of Charles tucked near a tree, alert to his surroundings. Before the officer knew the teenager had arrived, he'd been tagged.

"Well, that was impressive," Charles grinned as he turned to see who tapped him on the shoulder. "How'd you sneak up on me like that?"

"A spider never reveals his secrets," Spider-Man winked, taking off just as quickly as he arrived. It wasn't long until he'd picked up the sound of a heartbeat, which proved to belong to Xander. After Xander, Spider-Man tracked down the one and only Greg. "I gotchu!" Spider-Man beamed as he poked Greg's head.

Greg looked up, only slightly spooked to see him hanging in the tree. "Have you been in the trees this whole time?"

"For the most part," Spider-Man answered dutifully.

Greg winced. "Ouch."

Spider-Man frowned. "What do you mean 'ouch'?"

"Splinters are a thing, Kiddo. I know you're used to the metal jungle, not this wooden forest, but I figured you'd be careful about that."

Slowly, Spider-Man lowered himself to the ground and took a good look at his feet. Uh, oh. "I'm literally the stupidest person alive. Who just forgets that wood can impale you?"

"You do, apparently," Greg observed. "I should have seen this coming, honestly. How bad does it hurt?"

"Well," Spider-Man admitted, "I hadn't noticed them until you said they might be there, so not too bad. Having been shot before definitely scales this down a bit."

"Don't remind me," Greg sighed. "Do you have anyone else to find?"

"Just Michael. If you give me a second, I'll find his heartbeat, and we can meet up with him."

Greg blinked, only slightly taken aback at the mention of his son-figure hearing everyone's organs function. "Yeah, okay."

After a moment of silence. Spider-Man perked up. "Okay, I've found him. I'll be back in a few minutes."

"Go ahead and head back to the campsite with Mike, actually. That's where my tweezers and bandaids are," Greg decided. "I'll meet you there." Spider-Man nodded and took off.

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