Forgiveness and.. Pizza!

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When we camed back home I was still mad at Jorge!
Lodo: Guys we are back!
Jorge: Hey Tini,why didn't you call me? I could drive you back here..
Lodo: Yes Tini,why didn't you called him*mumbled*
Me: Because I don't talk to some people!
Cande: Ooh :/
Jorge: What did I done to you now?!
Me: You know what!!
Jorge: Well..
Me: Why did you follow us?!
Jorge: I was there to buy you a present,okay?! And it wasn't my idea for following you! It was Federico's idea because he wanted to see what was Lodo's dress!!
Me: I..
*Tears were falling down to my cheeks,I went to the bathroom and locked the door.I heard everyone screaming to Jorge:
Facu: What did you do now?!
Jorge: I told her the truth!! Everyone is blaming me!! I'm sick of it!!
*I heard footsteps that we're heading to the bathroom but out door room opened. I'm sure Jorge opened it. I decided to go and say sorry to him:
Me: Jorge
Jorge: What?!
Me: I camed to say sorry and the only thing you do is yell at me!
Jorge: Ofcourse its my fault again!!
Me: Well I'm not the one yelling!
Jorge: Okay look my love,it's just.. It camed too much..I'm so sorry
Me: It's alright. I'm sorry for blaming you..
Jorge: You don't need to be sorry because I wasn't mad at you:)
*I hugged him so tight:
Jorge: Can I see the dress you bought?*puppy face*
Me: Noo! It's a suprisee!:)
Jorge: Pleasee!!
Me: Noo!!
Jorge: C'moonn!!
Me: S-U-P-R-I-S-E!!
Jorge: Then can I see the shoes?
Me: And the purse?
Jorge: Yees!
Me: But only them!
Jorge: Okay
*I showed them:
Jorge: I can't imagine the dress..
Me: You need to wait my looove :*
Jorge: 5 days!! I can't wait that muuch!!
Me: Well sorry bro :D ,let's go to eat dinner
Jorge: Kay! :D
*We went downstairs but everyone had food on their clothes:
Me: Uumm..
Lodo: Don't ask..
Me: I wasn't going to..
*We laughed:
Cande: Well we made dinner..
Jorge: And what did you do for dinner?
Federico: Pizza
Me&Jorge: Yaaayy!!!
*We went to the kitchen and started eating but the pizza was so hot:
Me: Oohh that's hoottt
Jorge: A lot
*Everyone started laughing to me and Jorge because it hurted from the hot pizza:
Me: I can't believe this!
Jorge: Me neither,but the pizzas are for us!
* 2 big pizzas. We took them and went in our room(Me&Jorge).
~Meanwhile(The Others):
Cande: You guys know that they left with the pizzas,right?!
Fede: But how? We need to take them back
Facu: Don't you think it's kinda late?
Lodo: Why?
Facu: Because they locked the door
Fede: Oh man!
*I went downstairs just to leave the tray from the pizza. No we didn't ate the pizza. I don't know why but we had dishes in our room so we put the pizzas there:
Lodo: Did you ate all the pizza?!
Me: Yuup!
Cande: Noooo!! :'(
Facu: You eating pizzas littles ugh!
Me: That's what we are! ;)
Fede: Catch her!
Me: Noo! Jorgee heelp!!
Jorge: Who's dying?
Me: Me!!!
Jorge: Oh all of you! Like you can't make your own pizza!!! C'mon Tini! He took my hand and we went to our room..

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