All Together,Part 3

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Me: Ugh and what are we gonna do with this room?!
Jorge: We are gonna make it in 2 parts!
Me: But the bathroom is one!
Jorge: We will use the bathroom both!
Me: Fine..
*We started:
Me: But the bed is one too!
Jorge: We will make it in 2 parts!
*We made it in 2 parts.Later,Lodo and Andres camed:
Lodo: Hey,we are gonna play...Ooh :/
Andres: What is going on here?
Me&Jorge:Nothing,just making the room in 2 parts..
Lodo: Oookayy...Why don't we play "Dares"?
Me: Yees!
Jorge: You will say again that I don't play fair!
Me: Ughh Jorge,stop being mad for stupid stuffs!!!!
Jorge: You stop trying to be the "queen" of everything!!!
Me: Haha who is telling me that?! "Mr.Perfect hair"?!
Jorge: Atleast my hair is not that stinky!!
Me: Well atleas I don't put 100 hair sprayer!!!
Andres&Lodo: Stop!!
*We weren't listening to them:
Jorge: I can't believe I ever dated you!
Me: I can't believe you are so cheeky!
Jorge: Me?! Cheeky?! You think only about yourself!!
*We were screaming so loud that everyone got upstairs:
Cande: What's going on here?!
Me: He is an idiot,that's what's going on here!
Jorge: And you are a cow!!
Facu: Hey!! Calm down!!
Fede: Seriously!!
Lodo: Me and Andres couldn't stop them!!
Andres: They weren't listening to us,and they continued arguing!!
Me: I prefer to sleep on the couch but not with that pig!!
Jorge: Don't even try,I'm going on the couch!!!
*We argued again and this time we were going to fight but our friends helped us,not to.Jorge got his stuff and went downstairs on the couch.It started to rain so hard,I was scared:..
Me: And where will I go now? Jorge is only alone..:(

~What do you think Tini will do?

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