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Clara: You heard us,we love eachother and we will be together!
JF: Besides my name is Simon
Me: Whatever Clara,I'm out
Jorge: I'm coming too
~We went in a park:
Me: Jorge now how am I gonna tell Lodo you are living with me?
Jorge: I don't know
Me: I'm gonna loose my best friend forever
Jorge: Cmon we are gonna tell her we are seeing and that we are gonna live together.
Me: Okay.You are gonna help me right?
Jorge: Ofcourse
*He hugged me.
~We went to Lodo's and Cande was there too(She knew everything):
Jorge: Um can we talk..?
Lodo: I know that you too see eachother.
Me: Candelaria?!
Cande: Oops..
Me: Anyway we camed for something else..
Lodo: For what?
Me: First let's be friends again..
Lodo: Oooh sure
*We hugged & Jorge cought:
Me: Ah yes um .. We have av..p-problem...
Lodo&Cande: What problem?
Jorge: Cande lets go outside and leave them alone..
Cande: But I wanna hear!!
Jorge: We are gonna listen to them from outside..I mean..ummm..I will keep her away :D ..
*Me & Lodo laughed and they went outside:
Me: Lodo,my aunt- Clara and Simon,Jorge's father are a couple and..
Lodo: What?!
Me: Yes I reacted the same way ;d..so Jorge and Simon are gonna live with me and my aunt...
~Cande camed inside:
Lodo&Cande: WHAT?!

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