I Like You Too..

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After class I went to Lodo & Cande:
Me: Hey girls,How are you?
Lodo: Look Martina or whatever your name is,I know that you love my boyfriend and you want him for you but that's not gonna happen so easy!
Me: What? What are you talking about?!?!
Lodo: Oh please don't pretend you don't know!
Me: Look Lodovica,I want to tell you something and I want you to remember it! I could never,but never ever take away a boyfriend from my best friend.Even if I like him! I could never allow a girl which is suppose to be my best friend,to stay infront of me and tell things that she isn't sure in!
Cande: Hey girls stop it!
Jorge: Hey what's going on here?!
Lodo: She likes you and wants to take you away from me!
Me: Lodovica don't say something you are not sure in!
Lodo: But I'm sure!
Me: And from where you are sure?!
Lodo: Well..
Jorge: Stop it! Lodovica it's not what your thinking about. I wanted to breakup with you and Tini was helping me to make you jealous and you to breakup with me so you will not be hurt....
Lodo: What?! Why do you wanna breakup with me?!
Jorge: Because I like another girl!
Lodo: And who is she?
*Jorge stood up there:
Lodo: Ooo Great! I wish you all the happiness in the world!!!
Me: Lodo..
Cande: Don't worry,I'll handle it.Jorge cmon ...
Me&Jorge: Umm..?
Cande: C'mon Jorge,you know what I'm talking about.
~She left:
Me: Jorge what is Cande talking about?
Jorge: Well..
Me: ???????
Jorge:About the girl I like..
Me: What about her?
Jorge: Well it's you .. You are the girl I like..
Me: What?!
Jorge: Yes..I like you from the moment I saw you..
Me: Jorge...
Jorge: Forget it!..Atleast I told you the truth..
*He started leaving but I runned up to him:
Me: I Like You Too Jorge..
Me&Jorge: But we can't be together immediately because of Lodo...
Jorge: Thrn why don't we see eachother secret?
Me: Why not?..
Jorge: If Lodo is your friend she will understand.
Me: I don't know if she is my friend.
Jorge: Don't worry, Um can I do something?
Me: Sure?..
~He kissed me passionetly..😍

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