Chapter 23: Sirius's birthday party

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what is up besties. the only reason you have this chapter is this comment

i told you that if you told me to get my shit together i would write another chapter and look at that it worked

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i told you that if you told me to get my shit together i would write another chapter and look at that it worked.

also i find it very entertaining that this comment is under review

i've had this chapter idea since i first started writing this book so i am really glad i was finally able to write it

anyways some content warning for you, nothing graphic or unpleasant

CW: underage drinking, that's it :)

November 3rd. A marauders birthday. A staple of the Gryffindor house by this point. To be more specific, Sirius's birthday. The most rowdy and overdone birthday party (right after the Prewett twins of course) to ever happen in Gryffindor tower was Sirius's 14th. Now he was turning 15, and the boys were determined to out-do themselves.

The music was blaring, a mix of muggle rock and disco depending on who was at the record player at that moment, the punch was spiked, and everyone in the house plus some outsiders were there. Dancing, singing, and playing games all while being a little tipsy.

Well into the night, the boys suggested a game of truth or dare to the girls. Lily right off the bat turned it down, but it turns out that even when drunk, Sirius's persuasion skills never fail. After only a couple of pleads and some puppy dog eyes she was in and the game began.

"Alright who wants to start?" James asked, settling himself into the circle they had created on the ground.
"I'll go," Marlene said. "Peter, truth or dare?"
"Did you drink my pumpkin juice this morning?" She asked, eying him over her cup of punch.
Everyone started laughing at her question.

"Marlene, these are supposed to be deep and personal questions," Lily said.
"I want to know!" Marlene said, laughing at herself as well.
"Yes." Peter whispered and looked down.
"I knew it!"
"Alright, alright Marlene leave poor Petey boy alone." Sirius chimed in. He was far past tipsy, leaning his head on Remus's shoulder. They both had a light flush on their cheeks.
"Ok my turn." Pete said. "Um, Mary? Truth or dare?"
"Ok I dare you to lick the bottom of your shoes." He said. A couple of the girls pulled a face but Mary just laughed.
"Oh sweetness, I lost my shoes 30 minutes into this party you're going to have to come up with something else." She took a sip of her punch while she waited for Pete to come up with another dare. James ended up whispering one in his ear despite protests that that was in fact cheating.

"I uh- I dare you to finish the rest of your drink in one go."
"Done." She smiled and gulped her drink down in seconds.

The game went on, truth dare, dare truth. James ended up eating a booger, Everly and Regulus had to dance on the table for a minute straight, and everyone ended up finding out just how far Mary and her summer fling got before they went back to school.

Lily was forced to sit next to James for a whole round, that was the last time she chose dare, Marlene and Paisley had to run three laps around the common room while levitating a book over their heads, and Remus had to make a 2 minute speech about Sirius's hair to everyone in the room.

They were four rounds in and it was back to Marene.

"James, truth or dare?"
Marlene laughed loudly before saying, "I dare you to kiss one of the boys."
The boys looked like they were scared shitless while the girls couldn't stop laughing.

James just sighed. "Alright fine, whatever."
Everyone thought he would turn to Sirius so when he turned to Regulus everyone went quiet.
"Do you consent to me kissing you mate?" James asked.
"Um, yeah sure." Regulus was just as confused as the rest of the group. He barely had time to close his eyes before James leaned in and pecked his lips. Barely a second before he pulled away and sat back down in his spot.

"You just kissed my bloody brother!" Sirius shoved James. "What the fuck?"
"Don't blame me blame Marlene."
"Enough of this it's my turn now." Sirius said, eyeing James to see if he would challenge him, he didn't.
"Everly, truth or dare." Sirius asked.
"Dare, always." She smiled.
"I dare you to kiss one of the girls."
"Done." Everly moved to sit in front of Lily.
"Is it alright if I kiss you?" She asked.
"More than alright." Lily said with a smile, putting on a show for everyone.
Everly leaned in putting a hand on Lily's cheek. Their kiss lasted longer than Regulus's and James's. It was a good 5 seconds before they both pulled away and sat back down.

"If someone kissed me like that, I'd fall in love." Marlene said, laughing her arse off next to Mary.
"Oh shut it Marls. Reggie, truth or dare?" Everly asked.
"Truth. I don't want to risk anything after the last few dares."
"Ah but you have made the wrong choice good sir." Everly said making her accent overly thick making everyone lose it. "Who is a better kisser, me or James?" She smirked at his shocked expression.
"You have now kissed both me and my brother, who is the better kisser?" She asked again.
Everyone looked at him with intent, waiting on his answer.
"Everly." He said quietly.
"Yes!" She screamed and then laughed at James's face. "Sorry Jamie, but I seem to be irresistible."
"I don't want to play this game anymore." He grumbled before getting up and making his way over to the punch that was now running low.
"He's just upset you kissed Lily and he didn't." Remus said to Everly before joining James at the punch bowl.

The group dispersed into the crowd and it was only Everly and Regulus left.
"Come on, it's late. I'll walk you back to your common room." Everly said grabbing his hand.
"Are you sure? What if we get caught out past curfew?" He asked, still letting her lead him to the doorway.
"We won't get caught. We never do. And besides, the paintings love me. They will tell us if there is a professor coming."

The walk to the dungeons was cold, halfway there Regulus gave his jumper to Everly so she would stop shivering. But there were no teachers or ghosts in sight the whole walk. They stopped outside the Slytherin common room entrance. Regulus said the code and pushed the door that appeared open before turning to Everly.

"You probably already knew the password so there was no use in waiting until you left." He shrugged.
"Smart man." She smiled up at him.
"Good night darling. You sure you can get back okay?"
"I'll be fine Reggie. I barely had any punch, there was always some upper year guarding when I went. Good night Reggie." She let go of his hand and turned back down the dungeon hallway.
Regulus watched her until the light from her wand was gone before he returned to his common room.

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