"And why?" I asked again.

"Because I promised to protect you. And I am not breaking it." He said seriously. "A promise is a promise."

I blinked. "Okay." I said and started eating silently.

Okay, I think Sarah was right. He is, indeed, acting like a husband.

My husband.

Shut up, Misty.

This is not how you treat someone who just made their way back from death. My conscience butted in between.

And don't consider me that someone.

We finished our breakfast, and Ash introduced me to my 'new personal bodyguard.'

"His name is Ron Martin. He'll be with you around school and also outside our room. If you ever need anything, tell him." Ash said.

"You also said that about Sarah." I said.

"Well, tell both of them, then." He said.

"Also, everyone came to know that you were attacked last night. So he'll protect you from all the reporters, and stupid people. Don't go anywhere alone." Ash added.

"How did people know?" I asked curiously.

"Some bastards roam here and there all the time for information. Someone must have seen and followed us yesterday." He said, shrugging. I nodded, and went to get my bag, but Ron stopped me and grabbed it for me, swinging it over his shoulder.

"That's my job. You just need to walk." He said, looking at me. I nodded.

"Okay Mr. Martin."


"Okay Mr. Ron."

"No, only Ron."

"Okay, only Ron." I said, chuckling. He did too.

Alright, he seemed fun. Not those cold, rude bodyguards. Good for me. I wonder where Ash found these kinds of people.

"Come on, let's go."

Our school ride was silent. Some minutes later, we were in front of the school. Just when I got out of the car, some unknown people with mics and some students surrounded me, bombarding me with questions. Thank god for Ron to be there, he shielded me easily and I made my way into the school and towards the A-Class room. Ash went towards his locker, saying bye.

I saw everybody sitting inside the room, doing their work. As I entered, they all looked at me and then came towards me, checking me like I had been badly injured somewhere.

So extra.

"Guys, I told you I am fine." I said for the hundredth time.

"You know, you're being very calm and cool for someone who just escaped death." Gary stated, I rolled my eyes.

"I survived, right? That's what matters." I said, they nodded and made way for me to sit.

"Brought the letters?" Dawn asked.

"Obviously. Can't forget them." I said as I took the apology letters out.

"Hey Misty, who's this man outside?" Serena asked. "The man in black?"

"My personal bodyguard hired by Ash. Ron Martin." I said.


"Ash's always good at keeping his promises." Gary said. They all nodded.

Yeah sure.

"I'll go give these to the teachers." I said as I made my way out.

(Ash's POV)

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