"Some what? Oh for fuck sake Liam the only reason you're being like this is cause I'm a lass. If I were your brother and you found me shagging some bird in a toilet you'd buy me a pint! And we weren't shagging! It was a kiss fuck sake." She said exasperatedly.

Liam opened his mouth then closed it again unable to refute what she had said.

"Exactly. Look I never intended for that to happen. We both just went in there to get away for a bit we were just talking nothing else. He's...nice. He wouldn't have did anything more than that alright? It was me. I kissed him. He didn't do anything."

Noel shook his head.

"Well he wasn't exactly telling you to fuck off was he?" He said with a serious look.

Erin sighed feeling tears prick her eyes.

"Awww c'mon not you as well. This is fucking ridiculous this."

Noel shook his head.

"I don't care about you kissing that posh twat... Well maybe I do, a bit. But you promised you wouldn't do anything stupid. You went in there without saying anything. I had no idea where you were. You say he's a nice lad but how do you know that? How would we have broke the news to mam if something had happened to you?"

Erin sighed holding back the tears. She nodded.

"That was stupid and that was my fault and I'm sorry. But I just didn't want to leave I were having such a good time."

Noel nodded with an understanding smile.

"C'mon kid let's get you home."

Erin nodded but she stopped dead as she felt inside her back pocket.

"Wait. I need to go back in."

"No! We're probably all fucking barred now." Groaned Liam as he touched his cheekbone tenderly where Graham must have got a punch in.

"Yeah thanks to you! There was no need to act like that. But I need to go back. I've got his glasses." She said holding the thick black frames in her hand.

Liam shook his head.

"Why the fuck have you got his glasses?"

Erin felt her face heat as she remembered the kiss.

"Well when we were kissing they were bumping into my face so I took them off."

Liam looked disgusted and Erin laughed.

"Well you asked."

"Speccy, posh twat." Mumbled Liam.

Erin rolled her eyes.

"Look he's nice alright." She said softly.

Liam shook his head.

"No such thing as a nice lad. And he's way too old for you."

Erin frowned.

"I thought he was the same age as you?"

Liam shook his head.

"These lads are all finished or left college so they're 22/23. You obviously did a lot of talking before the kissing." He said sarcastically.

Erin blushed. He'd looked younger. It was strange to think Graham was almost as old as Noel.

"We did. Stop making it seem bad. Look I'll only be a minute and I need to say sorry he really didn't know I was 17."

"I'm coming with you. Doubt I'd be barred just this one." He said pointing accusingly at Liam.

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