When I woke up, I wasn't strapped to a chair or anything like that. No, of course not, that would have been stupid. I was in a room, freely walking around; might I add. In front of me was a control panel, behind me was a metal door, and beside that was a speaker. Another thing that I see is that there was a two-way mirror in front of me that was pitch black.

All of a sudden, the speaker turns on. "Emily, so nice of you to finally wake up."

"What the fuck do you want?" I angerly ask.

"Calm down, now. I don't actually care about you, I care about your brother." The speaker says.

"Are you talking about Dick? You haven't heard, have you? He isn't my real brother. You have no use for me so you might as well let me go." 

"That's not true, you can be a great asset to us."

"You want me to help you, after you kidnap me? Yeah, no, I think I'll pass." I state.

"That's too bad, I guess you should say bye to Nick one more time. What do you think?"

Suddenly, the light to the room in front of me turns on and I see Nick tied to a chair with cuts and bruises all over him. My hand shoots up the my mouth and I turn to the speaker again.

"Let him go you asshole!"  

"You sound agitated, Emily. Does he mean a lot to you?" 

"Fuck you. Let him go, NOW." I demand.

"You don't know, do you?" I can hear the voice fake pout, if that was even possible to hear.

"Don't know what?" I question.

"Nick was just using you to get to Dick Grayson for us. That was, until he caught feelings for you. He came here and bagged us to leave you alone, look where he is now."

"What..." My voice trembles.

"Why don't you just talk to him yourself?"

I look down at the control panel and see a speaker button. I hold it down and start to talk into it.

"Hello?" I whisper.

"Emily? Emily is that you?" Nick looks up.

"Yeah, yeah... It's me. What happened?"

"I was kidnapped by these people. I don't even know why! We have to get out of here." Nick panics.

"Wrong answer. You know damn well who the fuck these people are and you better give it to me straight." I shout into the microphone.

"So you know already, don't you? Look, I'm sorry, I really am. I manipulated you and I lied to you, but that was all before I knew you. I regret it greatly and I love you." Nick starts. "But you deserve better, and I get that, but I could be better."

I stopped in my tracks and my eyes widened. I removed my hand from the release button and put it on another button with a skull on it.

"You know, I almost believed you. Until you said that. The thing is, only Jason would know that so that means you spied on me. You don't give a single fuck." I said.

That was partly true. Jason did say that, but it is a generic fraise for someone to say. If Nick 'breaks character' then I'll know if he's lying or not.

"I guess you caught me, I played you and made you love me. But I really do have feelings for you." Nick's whole facade changes. "I lied to you and I'm sorry."

"Fuck you." I gave him the middle finger and pressed down on the skull button.

All of a sudden, Nick exploded and the walls, along with the mirror, inside of the room got coated with his blood and guts. I placed my hand over my mouth and stood still, staring at the scene infront of me. It wasn't the first time I killed an asshole, but this felt different. I had really liked Nick and my heart ached watching this happen.

Clapping sounded through the speaker on the wall. I look towards it in shock. "I can't believe you actually did that, I'm proud. We have been trying to get rid of him... Without any of us getting blood on our already dirty hands. So thank you for that."

"I- I can't believe I did that. And to him, none the less." I stutter out, feeling a bit light headed.

"As an award, you can leave. No harm will be done to you." The door opens and I look at it.

Not wanting the guy on the other side of the speaker to change his mind, I quickly run out of the room I was in and go down the long hallway before finally finding the exit and opening it; walking out.


I hope this was a good chapter.

I know the stuttering might have been a bit much, but I figured anyone in Emily's situation would stutter a little too.


His Younger Sister • Jason ToddWhere stories live. Discover now