they killed him?

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The-they  want to kill me, what should I do?!!??! said Obama in a horrified shaking voice, he was scared for his life he wanted to get out of there and never come back.

with Sangwoo and Trump....

hey Trump I was thinking about what you were saying....I-I-I-I I'll kill Obama with you okay? said the hottie Sangwoo in a shaking scared voice, really? THATS AMAZING are you sure you don't want to rob a bank??????? said the fruit named Trump. OFC I want to kill that cheating bitch so badly!!!!! said the murderer Sangwoo. Why do you want to kill him so badly,Sangwoo??. well ofc because he cheated on me and because......I want to murder women in peace without having to think about that cheating son of a bitch!!!!!!!!!!!! said the crazing mommy boy Sangwoo. Oh I see that's so cool!! you should invite me over some time that sounds really fun yk!? said Trump the orange dude Trump in a happy cheerful voice. OFC I will invite you over sometimes bestie!!! said Sangwoo the mommy boy in a happy tone.

At 3 am....................................................................

I'm so damn scared I-I-I I don't know when their gonna kill me I'm gonna shit my pants.....oh shit I really shawt my pants *sniffs* yummy said Obama in a sexual way and scared tone...

3:30 am

*knock knock* Obama heard over and over again *knock knock knock* there it is again said Obama in a scarred horrified voice as he goy chills down his spine he stared then he heard foot steps coming closer and closer to him.......g-g-go away you demons! said Obama while peeing his pants. oOooOOOOOooooOooOOh that's not gonna happen you little cheating bitchhHHhhHH said Sangwoo in a creepy horror movie tone of voice while standing right behind him breathing into Obama's ugly ass ear. please I'm so sorry I cheated on you Sangwoo,Trump and Isabella. who's Isabella?? hmmm oh yeah I already killed her said Sangwoo with a big old grin on his face,he then stabbed Obama in the heart have fun with that,btw i killed trump too:) said Sangwoo with a goofy smile he was just in a silly goofy mood ig.....I love you s...s...Sangwoo were Obama's last words.

two weeks later.

I can't live with myself anymore I killed my ex lover I killed my am i supposed to live with myself knowing I killed the closeted to me said Sangwoo in a sadden voice. as sangwoo walked closer to the roof top door he was thinking about to all the good times he had with Obama and Trump,tears started to drip down his cheek his eyes stared to get swollen and red. He got to the rooftop he stared down on all the people waiting for the moment he would jump...."I'm sorry trump,Obama and everyone else I've ever murdered I'm truly sorry" were his last words before he jumped and his brains went everywhere. he was in deep Depression nothing would make him happy anymore he was so lonely and felt like no one cared about him anymore (he was right) he felt like he would never be happy again and he just felt like he would never find love again or friendship.

the end. thank you for reading my lovely story it's been a lovely and fun time love you little dingleberrys.

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