sangwoo and Obama

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Obama got closer and closer to sangwoo,sangwoo moved away from Obama,Obama decided he would get his little cute kitty cat a nice cold ice cream so Obama went to the closet place to get ice cream he decided he would get his kitty cat a mint chocolate chip ice cream cone cuz he knows that is sangwoo's favorite😍 sangwoo is waiting for his big strong tiger to come back with his ice cream, Obama came back 3 hours later😱
Sangwoo was sleeping on the bench Obama saw his little kitty cat sleeping so he picked him up and took him back to sangwoo's house and put him in his bed "good night my little kitty witty cutie pie" said Obama sangwoo was fast asleep Obama left sangwoo's and went to Trump's house!? what could this mean drum roll plz *drum sounds* dun dun dun its a love triangle!😱 Obama doesn't really like sangwoo he's just acting like he does to not hurt his feelings

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