the flowers

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obama please go away said sangwoo, b-b-b-but sangwoo i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i l-l-love you so please  take me back! or at least take the flowers? said Obama. no go away please,what did Trump already say no to your 'apologize'??? said sangwoo in a very upset tone. n-no it's not like that, i picked you over him because i love you sangwoo!!! said Obama in a none trustworthy tone. hmmmm NO! said sangwoo you dont sound very trustworthy you disgusting pig of a man said sangwoo again in a very mad tone of voice. but i truly do love you Sangwoo please believe me i'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooo soooooooooooo sooooooooooo sorry for cheating on you i know i was in the wrong said Obama in a very untrustworthy homo voice. "I'm sorry please believe me" is that what you said to Trump? said sangwoo while glaring at OBama who was standing on sangwoos pouch. come again to see what happens next -emo giyu

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