Third person POV

The ministry of magic was going crazy, wizards and witches were running scared in complete chaos. It was all over the daily prophet that morning, everyone knew, and everyone shook in fear reading the headline of the newspaper. 'Confirmed by the ministry of magic: Voldemort's grandson exists and is coming to Hogwarts on September 1st. Years ago, Tom Riddle had an affair with a muggle woman, this woman had their daughter, Tom Riddle killed the woman for having the baby and disappeared. The daughter grew up in the muggle world and had a son, but later died due to unknown reasons. The ministry ensures that the boy will be attending Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.'

"How will he be getting to Hogwarts?" Rufus Scrimgeour said. "There is no way that boy will ride with the others in the train, nobody must see him until he gets to Hogwarts."

"Someone will take him to the office, and we will make sure he gets there." The people in the ministry gasped. A lady with pink clothes stood up. "Who in their right mind will dare to go with that abomination!" She screamed. Dumbledore looked around. "Hagrid can take him." Hagrid choked on his water.

"Right?" Dumbledore asked him. All eyes were on Hagrid, he couldn't say no now. "Yes, I'll do it" he accepted.

Percy's POV

I let go of the floo powder and shrunk, it felt like I was going in circles repeatedly. It was uncomfortable but not as bad as shadow traveling. I opened my eyes and stood in a room made of wood, only three candles provided light. I saw a giant man facing backwards writing something.

I carefully looked behind him to see what he was writing, but because of my dyslexia, it was impossible to read. I gently tap him once on the shoulder. He jumped and slipped across the floor. "Oy!" he screamed. He tried to get up again but failed miserably. I contemplated on helping him but decided against it.

He finally got the strength to pull himself up. "Oh hello, you really shouldn't sneak up on people like that" He looked at me like he expected me to say something. "Sorry" I said. He holds up his hand for me to shake. "My name is Hagrid, nice to meet you. You must be Perseus Jackson." I took his hand and shook it. "Percy" I corrected. "Very well, we must be going then, lots of things we need to get before you leave." We walked outside towards the other stores. The place looks old, like really old. However, the architecture was amazing, I wish Annabeth was here to see it, she would go insane. I'm already starting to miss her. I didn't have time to say goodbye to any of my friends, they must be worried, unless Chiron told them where I am.

Hagrid helped me buy the stuff I needed, he explained to me how the currency works and handed me a card. 'To Percy, from Hecate, enjoy this card with unlimited amounts of galleons, sickles, and knuts' was written in golden handwriting. I smiled at myself and put the card in my pocket.

"No way in Hades I'm wearing that" I pushed back the robes Hagrid was showing me.

"You have to it's part of the uniform" Hagrid said. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the robes. It was impossible to walk with them on, but Hagrid assured me that I would get used to it.

"The last thing we need to get is a wand, come on Percy" he walked in front of me whistling.

We walked into a store named Ollivander's, inside there were a bunch of medium size boxes different colors. We tried more than fifty wands but none of them worked, and I was beginning to get tired. "You're a hard on eh" The man said.

"I know exactly what you need" I rolled my eyes and murmured to myself "Yeah you said that about the last twenty." I think Hagrid heard be because he laughed. He wasn't supposed to hear that. The man came running down the stairs, he was in good shape for his age apparently.

"Here try this one" he said, handing me the blue box. I opened the box and saw a dark brown wand with small waves and spirals. "It's 12 inches of elder wood with a Pegasus feather core, it's an extremely powerful wand. Take it for a spin" he says, with a smile on his face. I take the wand out of the box and flicked it. Wind blew from the windows and a beach smell filled the room. Ollivander giggled. "Knew it" he cheered.

"Alright, now that you have everything, I must take you to the ministry of magic, they will make sure you get to Hogwarts." It was like he was talking another language, who was the ministry of magic? I started to get mad, not at Hagrid but at myself. I'm tired of doing favors to Gods, I deserve a break after two wars and practically witnessing my friend's deaths. I wanted to be with Annabeth mostly.

Hagrid took me to a building full of people. The entrance was wide open, but Hagrid said it was best to enter from the back, that way people wouldn't see me. Whatever that was supposed to mean. We entered the building and went through an office door. In there, four people stood looking at me weirdly. There was a man who was staring at me almost shaking. Hagrid closed the door and left, leaving me alone with them. After a minute of silence, the old man spoke. "Hello there, my name is Albus Dumbledore, this is Professor McGonagall, Severus Snape and this is Rufus Scrimgeour, head of the ministry of magic" He gestured to everyone while he said their names.

"You must be Perseus Jackson" He took off his glasses and sat down. "Just Percy" I said. He nodded his head. "Very well Percy, we must be going then." He stood up again, which seems weird to me because he just sat down. The man named Snape was staring at me and didn't  blink, it made me uneasy. We walked to the fireplace and Dumbledore told me to do that thing with the floo powder again, I wonder if these people ever heard of cars or walking. We appeared on Dumbledore's office and the Professors left the office, but Dumbledore stayed.

"You are going to be sorted into one of four houses, Ravenclaw which represents wisdom and learning, Hufflepuff which has strong sense of justice and propensity for hard work, Gryffindor values bravery and courage, and lastly Slytherin that has traits such as ambition and determination." He explains. I nodded my head. He took a deep breath and opened the door. "Here you go." 

Hermione POV

In the Dining Hall, Professor McGonagall got up her seat and all the students began to quiet down. "As some of you already know, today we have a very special student joining us, I expect you to behave accordingly and appropriately." The room was dead silent, until suddenly the wide doors opened. Dumbledore came walking in first, with a boy behind him. He was tall, standing approximately above 6'6, he had black hair and sea green eyes. He looked fit and strong, all the girls were looking at him weirdly, and the boys looked intimidated by him. They walked towards where Professor McGonagall was standing. I took a look at Harry, he was giving him a death glare, and I don't blame him. His grandfather had killed millions of people, including his parents.

Percy's POV

McGonagall pulled out a talking hat, he was supposed to decide in what house I belonged in. I wondered if they ever washed that thing. I sit down and the sorting hat was placed above my head. "Mhm this one is extremely hard, you're loyal and brave but also determined. You would succeed in any house you get I'll tell you that. Very powerful yes." I was beginning to lose my patience; I thought the sorting was supposed to be quick. "Hm I- I think- well, I have no idea really." Silence took over the room as the sorting hat stopped speaking. "I don't know." 

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