A long ride home part 2

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Alfreds POV
The ride back was filled with small talk, mostly Eva discussing people from high school.

"So Alfred... anyone special in your life?" I bite my lip. I hated this conversation. I just hoped they could accept me as I am.

"Um.. no.. just focusing on class..." I mumble, grateful that the car had come to a stop in front of a nice hotel. They check in, and I insist I can help pay for the room, but they won't let me.

There was only two beds, a door connecting the two rooms. Eva put Baron and I in one room, and I nervously agree. "Im gonna shower if that's alright. It's been a long day"
Baron shrugs and nods, leaving me to enjoy my shower. It goes quicker than I anticipated, and as I step out in my pajamas, I'm shocked.

"Jeez Baron if you wanted the shower first you could've just said so" I say, walking past the naked man jerking off in the bed.

He scrambles to cover himself up, face red, "I... ugh.. sorry... I thought you were going to take longer"

I roll my eyes, laughing as he tries to find his boxers. "Relax, it's not like I haven't seen a few dicks before"

"Oh... uh right.. wait are you..?" He looks up, face now tinged pink as he pulls on his boxers over his ignored hard on.

"Gay? No!" I burst out laughing, making him utterly confused. I grab my bag, making my way to the door connecting our rooms. "Im asexual. Look, I think I'd feel a bit more comfortable staying in evas room tonight on the fold out bed" I state, hoping he understands I didn't want to wake up to him grinding on my ass.

"Yeah, of course, I'll grab Truitt. I just thought... you said you've seen a few dicks" he says, looking at his hands in his lap, avoiding my gaze.

"Were you listening to us in the car?" I scold, he pouts and shakes his head. "I'm studying to be a urologist. I look at those things for a living" and with that, I exit.

Baron POV, a few hours later

"Truitt" I say, trying to get his attention. I was still dealing with a massive hard on, and him wearing a tight pair of red undies was not helping.

"What's up?" He says, currently starfished on the bed. "Besides your cock" he laughs at his own joke before I can answer.

I groan, tossing the remote to him. "Forget it, it's stupid, let's just get some sleep" I mutter.

I'm startled when I feel Truitt behind me, his warm body wrapping around mine. "You were saying something bear. Ya know, Eva and I were talking a few weeks ago. She told me if I ever wanted to act on my feelings, then she fully supports me"

I spin around, gulping when my cock rubs against his half hard member. "What?! I.. what do I even say to that!"

He smiles. That big goofy grin that makes me melt. "You say you consent. Or you don't. It's your decision, I just thought I'd let you know. You don't really seem tired enough for bed anyway" he smirks, rubbing his hand slowly up and down my chest.

My eyes flutter shut for a moment, but it's short lived when I feel him pull away completely. I look up to see him laying on the bed stroking his cock slowly through his underwear.

Taking a deep breath, I make my way towards him. This was really happening. I thought with Eva in the picture, I had lost any chance at having him. But it looks like I was wrong. "Truitt... I want this.. but are you sure? Don't mess with me. I can't do this once and then forget it like nothing happened."

He answers me by kissing me hard, his hand sliding down my skin until it reaches my boxers. He hovers for a moment, before reaching in and grabbing a hold of my manhood. "Fuck! Truitt.." I whimper.

I bring my face to his neck, kissing him softly before sucking. I wanted to leave marks for Eva to find later. His hand tightens as he starts to pump my cock. His other hand grabs mine, guiding it to his own leaking member.

"Does that feel good bear?" He smiles against my skin, kissing my shoulder as his large rough hands reach down to cup my balls. I groan, planning to mimic his movements, but when I pull his underwear down, I pause.

"Damn Truitt... how did I never notice how big you are?" I blush, tearing my eyes away from the monster only to look into his beautiful eyes. He grins, almost proud, the leans into me.

He begins kissing me slowly, his tongue slowly making its way through my mouth. I groan, sliding my boxers down to give him better access. I move his hand and grip both our cocks together, using both hands so I can start pumping them harder.

"Oh.. yes.. more! Do that again!" I smirk, watching him unfold. I didn't want to wait, I was already dripping. His hands quickly replace mine, and he begins thrusting his hips, grinding our cocks together.

"Fuck! Truitt! I'm gonn-" I cry out, biting down on his shoulder as he continues to stroke our cocks together until he comes as well, milking every drop out of us.

"Truitt!!!" We both startle, looking up to see Alfreds face. When did he get in here?

"I've been trying to get your attention for the last five minutes, evas water broke!" He shouts, frantic,he grabs the towels from our shower and rushes back into the other room.

We sit there, frozen for a moment, before scrambling to put some clothes on. We pick up the pace when we hear Eva yell from the other room.

"Truitt if you don't get your ass in here, I'm never sleeping with you again!" She shouts. I grab Truitts arm, making him give me a confused look.

"What? Would it really be that bad if you were stuck with me?" We both grin, but quickly come to our senses and rush to the other room.

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