A long ride home

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Warning: My books contain both consensual and non consensual sex. A lot of kink. Read at your own accord, and do not mistake this for something that is okay in reality. This is purely a work of fiction.

Record breaking winds. Coldest day in the century. Snow drifts will reach over 8feet high.

Pfft. Stupid weather reports. It's supposed to be my winter break. I go to a very small university, and students aren't allowed to stay over break. Outside of classes I do odd jobs and send whatever extra money I have home. I can picture them now. It's a huge set of three houses, filled with all of my family. Cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents. Everybody was at home.

I told them not to worry. That their big college boy would find a way home by the end of the week, and my new cell phone would be delivered to their house by then too.

But I was not prepared. I look down at my duffel bag. A friend let me store any important stuff at their house. But I needed a way to get home. And the airports were cancelling flights left and right. I've spent the last hour trying to get a taxi or an Uber or anything, but apparently my luck had run out.

"Alfred? Alfred Baker?" I look up. Nobody has used my full name since high school. I sit up from my spot to see three people walking towards me. Truitt, a big football player, with a girl who must be his high school sweetheart, evangeline. And she was very pregnant.

The third person, the one who called my name, was Baron. And damn it, he's even more gorgeous now than he was in high school.

"Alfred? You okay man?" He asks, now standing in front of me.

I gulp, my cheeks turning red. "Yeah, I'm fine, of course. I guess I'm just surprised to see you all here, especially on a holiday break"

"Oh is it?" Truitt speaks up. "Baron over here got his degree done early with those credits from high school. I've been helping him run an extremely successful business. And Eva over here is the brains of the operation"

She blushes and makes her way over, feeling my forehead. I jump, startled, and she purses her lips. "What's going on? Your running a fever and yet your freezing at the same time."

I try to avoid her gaze, but I'm only met with Barons concerned face. I haven't seen these people in over four years. Why should they care now? "I'll be fine, really, I'm just trying to get a ride home for holiday break." I say quickly, checking my phone again only to find another driver had bailed, likely afraid of the weather.

Baron noticed, and without hesitation slings my duffel bag over his shoulder. "Come on. You'll stay with me tonight and I'll help you arrange a ride tomorrow" and with that, he begins walking to the parking lot.

I stare, dumbfounded, until Eva grabs my hand and pulls me along. "Sorry hun, bear doesn't like to take no for an answer. Are you on a time crunch?"

I shake my head no and she smiles "perfect. It'll be fun to catch up. Plus I haven't had much alone time with Truitt lately, you can keep Baron busy"

Nodding, I follow her waddling figure into the blizzard outside.

Sooooo? New short story book? Any thoughts so far?

Thank you to Tarius14 for being the first vote!

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