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I blinked then looked back at the almost done coffee.

Yeoni: No Taeyong... He might not love Yuri. But he will not love me again. I betrayed him... i accused him of something he didn't do even after he did so much just to build my trust for him...

The thought of it made me shiver.

Yeoni: I ruined it. And my guilty self can't bear the thought of forgiveness, cause i don't deserve it-

Mark: Oh for the love of god. 

We turned and saw Mark come to us. He looked at Yuri and then at her and Taeyong's linked arms. They quickly untangled it.

Mark: No it's okay. I will tell dad i don't want to marry you... And about your dad... tell him you love Taeyong hyung. Hyung is also my dad's son. He should be happy.

Yuri's eyes widened. Mark looked at Taeyong.

Mark: You should talk to dad as well. Just because you don't get along well, doesn't mean you can sacrifice her.

He said. 

Taeyong: How much did you hear?

Mark: Everything... I am sorry Yuri...

Yuri: It was not your fault. Thank you so much Mark... for understanding.

He smiled and nodded then he looked at me. But this time he did not look cold.

Mark: Would you both mind taking the coffee to them? I want to talk to Yeoni alone. Just tell them we had an important meeting and will join in half an hour.

They nodded. Taeyong took the tray and gave me a reassuring nod and smile before leaving us there. 

Mark leaned on the counter opposite to the one i was leaning on. He slipped his hands into his pockets and looked at me. 

Damn... he looked so good in suits.

Mark: Y-You know the complete truth?

His stutter made me look at him. He seemed sad at this moment. I just nodded. He stepped forward and came close to me. He suddenly caressed my cheeks and made me look at him.

Mark: So... you know i did not do anything of that sort?

Yeoni: Y-Yes. I know i did wrong Mark... and i don't deserve your forgiveness... but i am still so sorry for ruining everything you worked so hard on to build between us.

He continued caressing my cheek. After a bit of silence he finally spoke up.

Mark: I forgive you Yeoni. I fucking forgive you... please... just come back to me.

(a/n: Guys from now there is going to be a long flashback... so basically a few chapters full on Mark and Y/n's love life, hope you enjoy! ^^)

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