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I walked into Studio A the following afternoon to see most of the team already there. Beth had just said her usually saliva filled goodbye with Sam who sat on the bench watching everyone. I glanced into Miss Kate's office to see Riley sat in there talking to her about something
"She's been in there for a while" I hear a voice next to me say, I look down to see Sam looking over at the office too
"Okay?" I replied
It wasn't that big of a deal, you will quite often find Riley and Miss Kate having a little natter before practice
"Man can you stop being so cold, christ. You got Riley so who cares about what I did?" Sam asked and I chuckled looking at him
"We all care about what you did Sam. Have you not noticed that nobody here but Beth wants you here?" I asked throwing my bag into a cubby before turning back to him
Sam glanced over at the team before looking at me 

"What you did truly hurt Riley more than she will ever admit. I fucked up too but nowhere near as badly as you. You need to start taking some sort of responsibility to that before any of us even think about giving you the time of day" I explained
Beth has her ways of worming herself into situations and dragging people down with her and I don't doubt that this happened here
I bet Sam was just going through some rough patch with Riley and Beth took that as a way in
I'm not condoning what her did at all. I still want to pummel the piece of shit but I've been in his shoes. The only difference is he has to face Riley day and I didn't get that 

"Hey" Riley said coming out of the office before Sam could ever reply, I turn to look at her smiling
"Hey Ri" I said side hugging her and she happily returned the hug
"You good?" I asked and Riley happily nodded smiling at me
She glanced over at Sam for half a second before looking back at me allowing her face to be complete with a smile again
"You ready?" She asked and I nodded taking her hand as we walked out onto the floor leaving Sam behind. 
If that boy has even half a brain, he'll end it with Beth.. For everyone's sake 


"Okay so I've decided that we are divided as a team, so I've put everyone's names in a hat and we are going to be paired up for the afternoon then tomorrow I want to find out three pieces of information about your partner you didn't already know" Phoebe said
Her optimism was something I don't think any of us will ever truly get used to
"Alright up first! Miss Thalia!" Phoebe called 
I kind of zoned out for a little while until either my name was called it was my name to pick one. I'm pretty certain as long as I'm not paired with Beth. I'll glide through this like no tomorrow
"James!" Noah called, I turned to him and smiled before high fiving him
Everyone knows Noah is my JIT and that ladies and gentlemen stands for James In Training

"And that leaves, Riley and Beth" Phoebe smiled happily making all of us stop our conversation to see the two girls already looking like the wanted to kill each other, or themselves to be honest with you
"Are you going to be okay? I can get Noah to pair with her if you want?" I offered Riley, she looked at me and shook her head
"Karama is a bitch" She smirked and I won't lie. I was confused as to what on earth she was about to do 

I couldn't help but think that something was going to go majorly wrong this afternoon, under no circumstances should Riley and Beth be in a room together on their own let alone having to converse and get to know each other
"Alright team, you have the rest of this afternoon to mingle" Phoebe said making us all nod
"Last chance" I offered Riley who chuckled before rolling her eyes
"I'm okay James, I'm going to get to know the girl who has an obsession with me! What could go wrong?" Riley asked with a hint of sarcasm
Scratch that. A Truck load of sarcasm
"Don't do anything that'll get your arrested" I called to her as she started walking away, I got a glare from Beth while Riley laughed 
"Don't tempt me James" She giggled back to me before leaving Studio A with Beth 

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