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She's been on my mind 24/7 since the competition, I can't explain it. No matter how hard I try I can't get her out of my head
I think I have truly realised that I may have lost the best thing to have ever happened to me
That one mistake broke Riley, I can't even begin to think about how it made her feel 
What I do know though is that if I could take it back I would. She is moving on with her life and I know where the boundaries are and how to not overstep them
I may not be able to call Riley mine but she's always be that special someone to me
That person who I want to celebrate with first, that person I want to spend time with, that person I can't ignore even if I tried

"Looks like the lovebirds made up" Max said alerting me to Sam and Riley walking our way, Sam had his arm flung over her shoulder while he kissed her cheek
He'd been a dick recently but I promise Riley I wouldn't get involved. I know I'm the root of their problem so I wasn't about to make it worse for them both
"Hey hey!" Michelle said smiling at Ri
"Hey" She said smiling back at her before turning to me offering me another smile that i gladly returned
"How was your competition this weekend?" Eldon asked looking between the two of us
"Competition?" Sam asked
"Yeah, James and I competed at a Duet competition" She reminded him, knowing Riley how well I do. She certainly told him

"We won it all" I replied smiling
"Ayyyyy well done guys" West said shaking my shoulders
"How many senior duets were there? One?" Beth asked making us aware of her presence
"What are you doing here?" I asked and she ignored me
"There were actually 120" Riley said smirking at Beth
"Hmmm, I doubt that" She said crossing her arms before walking away
I glanced back at Riley who was looking at Sam confused as he bowed his head

Walking into Studio A after school, I was greeted with all of the team followed by Sam who was sat by the Cubbies
"Dare I ask?" I asked Riley as we stretched
"Something about wanting to spend more time with all of us" She said and I nodded not believing that for a second
He just still doesn't trust us right now
I looked over at him to see him talking to Beth, they were the last two people I thought I would ever see speaking
"Since when were they friends?" I asked and Riley rolled her eyes
"They aren't, Beth got paired with him for a project apparently" She replied as we got up to our starting position

As we finished I couldn't help but notice Sam's glare directed at me and I couldn't blame him. Afterall I had my arm around Riley's waist but it's a dance. That's it. 
"That was awesome!" Eldon cheered as we all went around high fiving each other, I glanced back to Riley to see her already over with Sam
I hate to admit it but I think that no matter what happens, I've lost Riley for good. She is happy with Sam
Her happiness is all I actually care about 

"Please don't forget what I told you the day she came back" Eldon said making me look over at him, I looked up to see him stood over me looking where I was looking
"Told me? Or yelled at me?" I asked and Eldon rolled his eyes
He's always been protective of Riley, everyone has. When people found out what I did they all hated me for a while
"James I'm serious" he said and I nodded
"I know" I replied
"I know it's hard to see her with another guy but what you did, really hurt her and none of us want to lose her again" Eldon said
"I never meant for you all to lose her, it was my mistake" I replied fiddling with my shorts
"She doesn't seem as happy as she did when she first came back, I will say that" Eldon said now looking at Riley and Sam's exchange
"You can say that again" I mumbled
"Just please don't fuck with her James. She's dealt with enough" Eldon warned and I nodded

I would do anything to get Riley back but I'm also extra cautious because the last thing I want to do it hurt her again. Maybe it's best to leave her with Sam?

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