"My first opinion of you," The Jounin, Hatake Kakashi said, deep voice easily heard, "is that you're all boring

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"My first opinion of you," The Jounin, Hatake Kakashi said, deep voice easily heard, "is that you're all boring. Meet me at the rooftop in five minutes." He disappeared in a swirl of leaves a moment later.
Zero,Sasuke and Naruto all stared at the spot where he disappeared for a moment before they exploded into a flurry of efficient movements as they smoothly put away all of their belongings. Zero opened a window and climbed out as Sasuke and Naruto followed close behind her.
In less than two minutes they arrived to the rooftop where their new sensei was leaning against the railing all while keeping his attention on a bright orange book before him. He didn't look up as they neared them.
Zero sat in the middle while Naruto and Sasuke sat beside her. They all stared silent as they stared expectantly at the shinobi before them
He smells kind of like Kiba, Zero noted with a faint look of surprise, but if from what I read was right, the Hatake were a clan that was similar to the Inuzuka and held close ties with canines. Where the Inuzuka had ties with ninken, dogs specifically with ancestral wolves, the Hatake were specifically wolves. They were ninken but they also held a Wolf Summoning Contract... I wonder if Kakashi-sensei does?
Kakashi closed his book with a snap and he took in the sight of his new charges. Never would he have thought that he'd be assigned a team, as if he hadn't made his thoughts cleared when he had many of the other teams assigned to him. He would have preferred to have been back in ANBU. It was what he was good at. He could complete infiltration missions as if they were a walk in the park and assasination was just as easy. Kakashi knew next to nothing about teaching and he wasn't sure what the Council or the Hokage were thinking when they assigned him a team.
Kakashi wasn't a shining example of mental stability and supposedly that was why the Hokage had pulled him out of ANBU. He didn't understand why when it had all been disregarded before. As long as his ability to complete a mission wasn't compromised, the Council ─ Elder Council specifically ─ didn't really care. It was sad but true. When asked, the Hokage had merely given him a sort of smile that Kakashi hadn't really understood.
He wasn't sure what he had expected but what he was seeing now was no where near what the files he had read on showed. Uzumaki Naruto was described as an overly excited and as an attention seeking prankster. Being this close, Kakashi could clearly see his sensei in him. It brought a pang of sharp regret and loss. He'd tried to be there for his student's son as much as he could but he was limited by his duties and orders of the Council. He was glad to see that Naruto seemed a lot more well off than the last time that he had seen the other.
Uchiha Sasuke was described as a prodigy that was distant and aloof and had reminded him of himself when he was younger. The last time he had seen the young Uchiha was when he was a small child the night of the Uchiha Clan Massacre, one of Kakashi's many regrets. Looking at him now, he seemed a lot less morose as what depicted. If anything, he seemed at ease though at first glance he seemed like he wasn't but at the same time, Kakashi caught the other casting weary glances to his surroundings, which Kakashi approved of.
Zero was a bit of a mystery and anomaly for Kakashi. Her file had described her as a indifferent girl, always with a poker face and a strong spirit, as evidenced by her endurance of the... incidents that occurred in the Academy. Not only that, but she seemed to change them for the better in the friendship that she had spurred on. She, like Sasuke, was Rookie of the Year and held a promise of great talent.
Still, it was evident that the files were wrong. Kakashi would need to make his own evaluation of them, which he had already been planning to do anyway.
"Alright then..." Kakashi said, "lets start by introducing ourselves, one at a time."
"Introduce ourselves?" Naruto repeated before exchanging a look with his team.
"Is there anything specific you want to know Kakashi-sensei?" Zero asked.
Kakashi merely shrugged. "Likes, dislikes, dreams, hobbies... things like that." Kakashi leaned back a bit more against the railing, eyes trained on his new charges.
"I'll go first as an example...I'm Kakashi Hatake. Things I like and things I hate... I don't feel like telling you that. My dreams for the future... never really thought about it. As for my hobbies... I have lots of hobbies.
The three stared at him expectantly and there was a moment of awkward silence.
Zero brow twitched. All we learned was his name, she thought drily.
"Why don't you start, on the right." Kakashi continued as he pointed at Naruto.
Naruto blinked slightly in surprise but he nodded a moment later. He may as well introduce himself properly despite what little he learned of his sensei. Besides, he kind of figure that this would happen. Shinobi were secretive over information being shinobi. "My name is Uzumaki Naruto," He started, "I like my friends and training. I hate fangirls, ignorant and stupid people and..." Naruto contemplated his answer slightly, "well, I hate a lot of things. It'd take too long to list them." Naruto added with a growl. "As for my dream... well, I want to be one of the strongest shinobi in the Elemental Countries. I also have another dream but it isn't actually a dream because it will come true. My team is going to become greater than the Sannin and the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist." Kakashi raised an eyebrow at that in surprise, for more than one reason. Hate? He thought. I didn't think he'd be the type to hate much but then again, his entire file may as well be wrong and I haven't been around long enough to stick to that deduction... I thought his dream was to become Hokage? That's one thing that's always been constant. What changed? "That's kind of a tall order, isn't it?"
Naruto shook his head and gave his sensei a sharp grin. "Right." Kakashi muttered. Maybe I shouldn't have been on so many missions... "You on the left." He continued, pointing to the Uchiha. "You next."
Sasuke stayed silent for a moment, contemplating. "My name is Uchiha Sasuke." He said, voice low and hands interlaced in front of him. "I like to train and I hate a lot of things, specifically the those who seek me out for their own personal gain," He bit out because there were many and it wasn't just his ridiculous fangirls either. He wasn't naïve nor ignorant. "My dream isn't a dream because it will become a reality." He said coolly, eyes as dark as the abyss. "My team will become the strongest and together they'll help me find the answers I've been seeking." It didn't make sense to hide that when it'd become obvious soon.
Kakashi hid his surprise with expert ease. It seemed that his initial knowledge and inferences may as well have been useless. I missed a lot it seems, he mused. I thought he would have been focused on revenge and his clan but he isn't. And just what answers is he seeking? He shifted his gaze to the silver haired girl sitting between them and his gaze narrowed slightly at the innocent smile that she wore.
"And you?"
Zero kept her gaze on her teacher as she wondered if this was the infamous Hatake Kakashi she had occasionally heard about. He had been described as coldly calculating at times as well as a remarkable shinobi, one of the best and she had no doubt that what looked back at her was just a front.
"My name is Zero." She began, voice soft and soothing. "I, like my teammates, like to train. I also like to increase my knowledge for any given subject. I hate stupid, ignorant, manipulative people, and those in general who seek to hurt what I love." She said with a dark glint in her eyes. "Most of my dreams have already come true." She said and a smile stretched her lips as she saw Naruto and Sasuke looked inquiringly at her. " I made the best of friends that i could and plan to make my team become a force to be reckoned with in the Elemental Nations. I want to become someone worthy of respect, as someone strong."
Naruto made a small sound.
"You're already ten times better than all of the girls in the Academy Zero-chan, dattebayo." Naruto said, his tone booking no argument and completely disregarding Kakashi.
"The moron is right." Sasuke said because it was true. "All of the other girls are useless and stupidly pathetic." He said with complete disregard to them. Why should he care anyway? Its not like they bothered on getting to know him before they decided that he was to be theirs, as if he wasn't a person but just a means of gaining the pleasures that his name afforded such as his power, wealth, reputation, and resources.
There was a feeling of warmth and Zero couldn't stop help but laugh, the sound seeming like bells in the wind. "Thank you," She said, grateful even though they've already told her before."I know we'll reach our goals," She said with burning brightly in her purple eyes, "Nothing will stop us." She murmured.
Maybe Kakashi should have been weary of the look they wore. Maybe he should have been weary of the look of predatorial danger in Zero seemingly innocent smile and in Naruto's dark eyes. Maybe he should have thought on the slightly possessive look that crossed his eyes or the look that promised pain. He disregarded however because he realized that they reminded him sharply of his own team, of what they could have been if everything hadn't gone so wrong. He saw Rin in Zero, saw himself in Sasuke, and a shadow of Obito in Naruto. They were so much alike yet so starkly different at the same time, each their own.
He saw their determination, their stubbornness, and he saw that they would accept to be nothing but the best and Kakashi admittedly ─ small and quiet ─ wanted to be a part of that. There was a part of him that wanted to be free of the darkness and death that was shackled to him and maybe now was his chance. Maybe this team would be it because already he could see that they took to heart a value that he himself dearly believed in...
Maybe... Kakashi mused as he closed his eyes, head tipped slightly towards the sky. The image of his team flashed through his mind. Minato. Rin. Obito. They were all gone. He had long accepted that but he hadn't ever truly let go. Maybe the ghosts that haunted him would finally be put to rest. Was this what Sandaime-sama meant?
Kakashi straightened, eye sharpening.
The others straightened as well, sensing the change and they gazed determinedly and calculatingly towards their sensei.
"You're all not at all what I expected." Kakashi said. "I'll be straightforward. Of the twenty-seven graduates only nine will actually be accepted as Gennin. The other eight-teen will be weeded out and sent and sent back to the Academy. In other words, this is your true test. The chances of failing is at least sixty-six percent."
"So the Academy exam," Sasuke said aloud, calm despite the shocking information told, "that was just to pick the candidates then."
Kakashi nodded. He's quick. "It's a survival exercise. I decide weather you pass or fail. Be at the designated training grounds at five a.m. and bring your gear. I suggest you don't eat breakfast or you'll puke."
"We'll be there Kakashi-sensei." Zero said, not at all daunted. She was actually kind of excited.
Naruto nodded beside her, hands clasping behind his neck in a familiar gesture. "We won't fail."
Sasuke closed his eyes but he gave an incline of his head anyway.
"We'll see." Kakashi murmured before he disappeared in a flash.
The three stayed still and silent for a moment.
"So," Naruto started after a moment of silence. "You guys ready?"
"Of course." Zero answered. "We're more than ready."
"We should prepare and plan." Sasuke stood, "He will pass us."

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