"Welcome to the LOV!"

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"Well well well, it's about time... I see you've returned with our guest. What was her answer...?" Shigaraki asks in his normal tone but a little more impatient and upset than usual.

"She wants to see how things here work before making a decision, but for assignments, she wants to be my partner. She wants to observe to find a way to fit in." Dabi replies in a calm tone.

"Is that so? Alright then,... That's fine with me... And kid, I look forward to your decision, but for now, welcome, to the LOV." Shigaraki says as he grins and looks down at me with an evil look.

{This guy creeps me out... I don't know why but he seems a little gullible... Dabi can say whatever he wants and this guy'll believe it... I'm guessing they have lots of trust in each other.}

"Don't worry about trying to fit in, nobody here will get under your skin because of the quirk you have or your past. None of that matters if you join us, I'd like all of you to treat her kindly and respectfully. After all, she is our soon to be new member." Shigaraki says, as his glare ceases and his voice becomes more genuine.

"Thanks..." I say calmly.

"If I may, What might your name be?" Compress asks as he stands up and leans against the wall with his arm.

"You can call her angel for now." Dabi asks before I can reply.

"What's her real name?" Big sis mag asks as he grips his magnet.

"If she wants to keep her name a secret for now, then that's up to her. I could care less..." Shigaraki says.

I look over at Dabi with moving my eyes and not my head.

{Is he trying to keep my name a secret like his? I wonder why?... Maybe he still wants to keep his past from them...}

I look back to the others and they all look toward me and Dabi with suspicious gazes.

"So... Where did you two run off to while we were being attacked?... You just disappeared." Spinner asks suspiciously.

"That's none of your concern. At least I got her to join, unlike you failing to convince the other kid... So unless you have a problem I suggest you mind your own damn business." Dabi replies as he slightly moves his hand and tilts his head to the side a bit.

"You tryin to pick a fight?" Spinner asks as he goes to reach for his sword.

There's a long silence and and stare off between the two and the gravity became serious and tense.

"Hey hey, you two need to calm down. We were told to behave in front of our new member." Compress says as he puts his hand on Spinner's shoulder and trying to calm them down.

"Unfortunately we cant just do as we please and run around outside of this place, the hero's will be tracking us and keeping their eye out. We need to keep a low profile, and if they start seeing a fight break out or villains running around carelessly, don't you think they'll be a little suspicious?" Kurogiri says as he watches Spinner and Dabi carefully

"Whatever." Spinner says as he rolls his eyes and scoffs.

"He started it..." Big sis mag mutters.

"That's what I thought." Dabi says as he grabs my arm and pulls me along with him into another room, then continues to lead us down to the basement pretty far from everyone else.

   It's dark and dusty down here, so I look around through the dark for a light switch or small light. I spot one and flick it on, the light bulb lights up but then the light keeps flickering and making a weird buzzing sound. I take off the bulky coat and lay it on the ground, then I look over and spot a lamp. So I flick the switch after plugging it in and it turn on, then I turn off the other light and place the lamp in the middle of the room.

Dabi x AkitoWhere stories live. Discover now