Chappie stick 4~~

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Hahahah you probably fell for the fake chappie :) Yes? No? Dammit IDC.
I don't care! (I love it )
I don't care! (I love it )

I'm...not very sure whays happening. I vaguely remember somethinh about a krazy dream. Yesh. I spell my krazies with "k"s. Dammit im talking to myself. I rubbed my eyes groggily and yawned.

"Do you think she's awake?"

"I erno man... I erno."

"Dammit if she's dead we would have disappeared. What, were you born yesterday?"

"Finn-ni-ick... we were awoken yesterday... so we kinda was born... yes-ster-rday.."

"Oh. Yeah."

I vaguely heard people talking about me. Hmm who cares about what they say... imma strong a stron independent ladee no need no man to support her--wait a minuteeeed... no one except me should be in my room... I opened my eyes--only to see 4 beautiful faces. Seriously. The two males were like greek gods and the females looked like Victoria's secret models. I looked at the sprity looking male and melted into a pool of butter. God mother of holy lamma rainbow pancakes. He was hot. Hot like hot out of the oven instant noodles. That hot.

"Hi." He smiled his adorable dimpled smile.
OMFG. Dimples. Dimples. Dimples. Can someone call 911, I'm dying of blushosipies. "H-hi" I stutteeed back as he shook my hand. A buzz of electricity waved into my hand as I saw fireworks erupting--literally. He's my one true love... sighhhh--- Then I was very rudely interrupted by loud. Obnoxious. Sniggering.

Raine →"Who is it? Who laughed?" *insert angry emoticon here*

(A/N: I'm just going to use this way of speaking cause im too lazy...)

Hot-male-model-that-i-just-effing-shook-hands-with →"I did... Oh mah gawd... you totally fell for that... the fireworks was an illusion by Natalie and the electricity was tased in by Skylar."

He said while pointing to the girls. Skylar had crazy hot pink hair and bright blue eyes... at least I think that's correct. IDK. Natalie had big brown eyes with long thick lashes. Both of them had perfect hair as well as ... everything perfect. Okay... :p.

While I was busy marvelling at them, I did not realise that the other dude that kinda looked like a nerd... (But a hot one ;) What? Cute guys in glasses make me go boom ( > u < ). Hush.... my life. Not yours.) Dammit where am I. WELLLLL... he picked me up and shoved me into the backseat of a car. OMHCODLA. You do understand that right? Whatever. I guess weak minded simple folk like y'all just can't handle the enigma they call my brain. I'll spare you the despair and just translate it.
Am I a genius or what? Back to the topic, they pushed me in the car and drove off like a badass with Finnick and Skylar on motorcycles behind us. Aww... I wish I could use Chase right now. Sighhhh...

Raine→"Where are we going?"

Water→ "To The Professer. You'll need help honing your skills."

Raine→ " What the unicorn? Don't I have a say in this?"

Water→ "No."

Raine→ " But--"

And that was the momment when I was rudely cut of by Water. Not Water. Like actual water. Wait...isnt water actually made of water? Wateva. Water somehow managed to get water in the backseat and shut me up. Grr. Damn you water. Damn you to hell. This is going to be on helllllllll of a long ride. No phone, no laptop, no PC, no radio, no movie... you get the idea.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2015 ⏰

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