"Ah Zero-chan, correct?" Saro said, eyes taking in her relaxed posture and smile. "Rookie of the Year for four years running correct?"
Zero nodded, "Hai, Saro-sensei."
Suzuka nodded beside her fellow teacher. "Right then Zero-chan, this should be easy for you." She spun a pen idly in her grasp, almost akin to a kunai. "All you have to do Zero-chan is perform the clone and transformation technique.
That's it!?  Zero thought a tad bit incredulously. I thought it would be harder but considering the emphasis that was place on the techniques, it isn't too surprising. Or maybe its just the way it is due to the education course? For this type of lifestyle and job, I'd would have wanted something more substantial and challenging. Its necessary, considering the high risk…
"You may now perform the clone technique, Zero-chan." Suzuka said with a firm nod.
Zero inclined her head in
acknowledgment as she swiftly brought her hands together in a hand seal. She hid a smile at the familiar feel of chakra and her golden eyes sharpened ever so slightly as she carefully filtered the waterfall of chakra into a trickle as two shadow clones popped into existence.
They flanked Zero sides and stood behind at her at attention.
"Two perfect clones with excellent detail." Suzuka noted, satisfied.
Saro smiled. "Now please henge into Hokage-sama."
Zero willed and directed her chakra easily. She and her clones all transformed into the Hokage with a small explosion of smoke and they all stared eerily towards the two teachers sitting behind the desk.
"It's like actually standing next to Sandaime-sama." Saro murmured. "With the look and everything."
Suzuka nodded absently, noting the sharp look into the Hokage look alike and she was glad that she had never been under its glare by the real person. She wouldn't ever want to displease the Saindaime.
"Congratulations, Zero-chan. You are now an official shinobi of Konohagakure no Sato." Suzuka announced with a smile on her face as she watched the henge drop and the clones dispel.
"Congratulations Zero-chan." Saro added. "You can pick any you want." He said, motioning to the bands on the table.
Zero nodded and she grabbed a black headband. She debated briefly on where to tie it or how to wear it before she decided to tie it around the arm that hold her guild mark. She gave a respectful bow to the two teachers before her.
"Thank you!" She said and she was dismissed a moment later as they called for the next student. She walked out with a smile on her face and her headband worn proudly around her bicep. She saw other students in the hallways, each with various expressions of excitement and disappointment. She leaned against the wall, deciding to wait for Naruto and Sasuke as she'd yet to have spotted them. It wasn't long until she did, however.
She saw Sasuke striding down the hallway, hands in his pockets and completely ignoring the admiring looks and comments thrown his way on behalf of fellow Academy students, particularly the girls. She smiled slightly as she spotted the headband, marking him as a new shinobi of the Leaf.
Sasuke stood came to a stop next to her, leaning against the wall as well. "That test was a mockery."
Sasuke muttered, glaring at the floor in his disappointment.
Zero nodded. "I thought it might was going to be something more… challenging." She said, heaving a sigh as she watched students trickle out the testing areas, many with headbands and many without. "I was looking forward to something better."
"Hey you guys!"
Both Zero and Sasuke looked down the hallway to see Kiba coming towards them, a grin on his face and Akamaru tucked into the hood of his jacket. Not far behind was Shikamaru, whom looked as bored as ever and completely done with everything that required effort, and Choji was eating out of a container and it smelled delicious. Each wore a headband on their person.
"Kiba-kun, Shikamaru-kun," Zero greeted kindly, pushing off the wall to face them properly, "Chouji-kun. I see you've all passed." She noted. "Congratulations everyone!"
"Thanks Zero-chan!" Chouji said bashfully, a faint blush on his cheeks. It always flustered him when he talked to Zero because for one, she didn't treat him like the others who tended to judge him for his looks. His insecurity was something he sadly had to contend with on a day to day basis but being around friends helped.
"Man, I should have just stayed at home if that was all we were going to do." Shikamaru said, eyes heavily and looking like he was one step away from going asleep right there in the hallway, which would surprise absolutely no one.
"You wouldn't have become a shinobi then, Shikamaru." Kiba said drily. "Still, I'm not surprised if all the clan members passed. I mean, it's a given, especially with the lame test they gave us."
"We passed though so we can't really complain." Chouji added, eyeing Sasuke somewhat apprehensively but the Uchiha didn't pay any mind to them. In fact, he looked bored to the Akimichi even though his face was perfectly blank.
"You guys waiting on someone?" Shikamaru asked.
"Yes. We're waiting on Naruto-kun." Zero said, as she eyed the food that the Akimichi held in his hands. "Chouji-kun, would it be too much if I asked for some?" She asked somewhat sheepishly as she pointed to his food, "I'll trade you some of mine." She offered as she retrieved the large bento box from her bag.

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