Chapter 11

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"We are friends Cressida. So tell me ... what's the deal between you and Barnes?" Peggy asked, giving me a quick curious look while digging into her suitcase, looking for a dress or something.

I took a deep breath while grabbing a smaller pile of clothes and took it out of my backpack, ignoring her question.

"Cressida? C'mon it's nothing to be ashamed of ..." Peggy tried to encourage me to speak up.

"The same thing that is between you and Steve." I said while raising up one of my dresses, sadly shaking my head as I noticed that it was torn even more than it used to be.

"There is nothing between me and Steve!" she immediately responded defensively, giving me a widened stare.

"Exactly." I mumbled and put all of my clothes back into my backpack, sitting down on my bed.

"Alright ... I know what you mean. But I personally think there is much more. Did he give you kiss yet?" Peggy quickly sat down by my side, wanting to get all the information as if we were gossiping middle schoolers.

"!" I responded quite loudly as if she asked an extremely shocking thing, giving her a quick glare.

"Oh ... well ... we are going to change that tonight my friend. Show me what you got!" Peggy clapped her hands, gesturing towards my backpack, expecting me to show her dresses that I picked for the pub visit later on, knowing for sure that Bucky was going to be there.

"I changed my mind. I'm not going." I said and tried to walk away before she could ask any questions about it, yet of course, I wasn't fast enough.

"You're joking, right? We agreed to go!" Peggy appeared quite surprised and upset about my change of mind, making me sit down once again while grabbing my backpack and dug into it.

"No Peggy! Let go! Carter I'm serious ...!" I tried to pull away my backpack, embarrassed that there was barely anything in there, nothing appropriate for the occasion.

"Did you seriously hide your dresses so you wouldn't have to go? Seriously Cress-..."

"I don't have any, alright?!" I lost my temper, let go off the straps and made my way out of the room, tears filling up my eyes. I knew that Peggy didn't mean any harm and was just trying to help but ... sometimes I just couldn't deal with how pathetic my life was.

On the other side of the street I could see Steve and Bucky laughing as if one of them just told a hilarious joke. Luckily they didn't notice me as they headed to the pub, where I already knew they were going to spend the evening.

Them and the rest of the rescued prisoners got a break from their duty, spending it in London. I got offered to join them and later on continue my work as a nurse at the front line, unless I wanted to go back to New York. I think that by now you know that my decision was not hard to make. Not anymore.

"I can borrow you one of my dresses? I don't know if they will fit you but we can figure something out, yeah?" Peggy's voice appeared from behind me. I turned around, saw her waiting by the opened door. By her face expression it was obvious that she figured out what was bothering me and genuinely felt sorry for her previous acts.

"You don't have to Peggy. I'll stay here and you go, have fun ..." I started, stumbled up on my feet yet she interrupted me before I could finish.

"Nonsense. If this is about you being nervous about Barnes, let me inform you that by the looks he gives you, he couldn't care less about what you're wearing. Now stop feeling sorry for yourself and get inside so we can get you ready, so you will feel better!" Peggy moved from the door, gesturing me inside, speaking as if I was one of the soldiers in training.

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