Chapter 5

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Dear Cressida,

I hope this letter found you. Since I don't know where you live I couldn't send it there. I only know you're a nurse so I made my sister find you (it costed me 10 bucks so she better did).

Whatever spell you put on me doll (I'm gonna call you that 'cause it reminds me of how adorable you look when you complain over it. And you can't stop me now anyway since I'm thousands of miles away.) - well it's working pretty well. I can't get you out of my head. I think of you constantly and sometimes get yelled at because I zone out completely.

I wonder how you're doing. I wonder if I ever cross your mind. I wonder how long will this last. Will we see eachother ever again? I'm getting homesick constantly. But whenever I do, most of the time it's not my family I think of - it's you.

It's weird, we've only spent a few hours together yet all I can wish for is coming back home just so I could see you again. I want to get to know you Cressida. I wish we met earlier, had more time.

Write to me, will you? Even if it's just a few words, a sentence or two, I need to know that you're okay. What's on your mind? Tell me about your days, I wanna hear it all - good and the bad.

Till the next time Cressida,



Not gonna lie, I read the letter at least five times in a row, trying to remember his voice, trying to hear him say those words.

The second time I was re-reading it, I started tearing up, a little smile spreading over my face. He actually cared about me. He wondered if he ever crossed my mind - little did he know that he was all I could think of; the promise I made to him was the only thing keeping me alive.

I knew that I shouldn't get attached to a man on the other side of the world, especially when I barely knew him. But after everything he did for me, after practically writing me a letter that sounded more like a love note ... how could I stop myself from believing that maybe we were meant to be more than just strangers?

Maybe the day I met him my life actually ended - my old life jumped off the bridge while my body and my soul decided to stay - take a chance. Was it bold to hope that after 20 years I could finally feel what it means to be loved?

"Miss Letta?"

I jumped off the desk, quickly wiping off my tears and tucked the letter in my pocket. I completely forgot that I was working, got lost in my own thoughts once again. However, my lips formed into a slight smile once again as I realised that finally my thoughts were not as dark as they used to be just about a month ago. The tears that were rolling down my cheeks a few moments ago - for the first time in my life I cried happy tears. It felt so damn reliving and for a moment I actually believed that everything will be okay.

How naive I was ...

"Yes?" I asked quickly, my eyes finally reaching the person who was peaking from behind the curtain. I raised my eyebrows at the sight of Doctor Erskine.

"Sorry to interrupt but we are quite in a hurry." he moved the curtain even more to the side, gesturing me to walk past him.

"I think Mr. Rogers was the last one on the ..." I started, quickly reaching for the documents on the desk, checking if I once again messed something up.

"You're done here Miss Letta." he interrupted me, making my yaw drop by the negative surprise, my heart feeling like it gave up on beating. Was I being fired?

I made my way past him, my legs feeling weaker with every step I took. I knew it was all too good to be true. Nothing lasts. Especially not great things.

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