Chapter 2

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"There we go ..." he moved a chair away from a wooden table in the corner.

I went to the opposite side and sat down, tapping my hands on the table, slightly nervously.

For a few moments he just stared at me. Then he shook his head and chuckled shortly. "Oh god you did not just ignore me like that."

I looked up at him with narrowed eyebrows, clearly confused. "What do you - ..." Then it hit me. "Ohh ..." I mumbled as I realised that he pulled the chair out for me and not for himself.

"Yeah ... 'ohh' ..." he mocked me and walked closer to sit on the chair next to mine. Too close.

I tried to unnoticeably move my chair slightly away from him as he ordered us drinks. Unfortunately he clearly noticed me making that move since he put his hand on the top rail of my chair and tilted his head towards my way, so it rested on his shoulder while his eyes stayed locked on me.

"You are making me soo so uncomfortable." I said and cracked my fingers which was another one of my bad habits I developed during my golden years of anxiety.

He pretended to be surprised. "Really? Why? We are just hanging out." he said and right after that raised his head and thanked the waiter that brought us drinks.

"Yeah and that's the problem." I mumbled and then immediately took a sip of my drink. My eyes widened as I started coughing like crazy, the alcohol drink burning it's way down my throat.

"Hey hey hey... breathe. What did you expect? Water? Here, take this ..." he handed me his drink, clearly finding the situation quite amusing.

I quickly took his drink and took a sip of it, hoping it will help. Hell I was wrong. His drink was even worse and without hesitation I spat it out.

This time he couldn't stop himself from laughing. At the same time he tried to order some water and new drinks while gently tapping my back to help me stop coughing.

"What makes you think that I'll stay here for even one more second if you keep acting like this!?" I said a little mad after the coughing finally stopped.

"Like what?" he asked and swallowed all of his new drink in one single take, not even slightly affected by it. Since I didn't respond, he added, "Look, it's my last night. I want it to be special."

I don't know why it took me so long to realise that he was wearing a uniform. I shook my head and rubbed my eyes as my breathing speeded up, making me a little lightheaded. I let out a deep breath, hoping it would help me calm down. My eyes started tearing up, making me shake my head once again, hoping he wouldn't notice.

"Wow didn't know it was gonna hit you that hard." he said a little surprised, clearly thinking that I got extremely upset and emotional about him leaving tomorrow.

"I didn't think you like me at all ... oh shit are you okay?!" he started to panic a little as I started hyperventilating.

"What do you want me to do!? Uhm ..." he continued panicking, at first looking around, hoping someone else was going to come and 'save' me. Since people were too busy with having fun to see anything beside their empty glasses and bottles, he decided to do the first thing that came into his mind.

He splashed cold water all over my face.

I gasped in shock but surprisingly that was exactly what I needed since now, I was slowly starting to calm down.

"Why did you-... You can't just -..." I tried to form a sentence, still slightly in shock.

"Yeah well it worked, didn't it?" he kept staring at me with a concerned look. "Do you have asthma? I have a friend with asthma ... do you need like a smoke or..."

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