Chapter 15: Are You Dead Yet?

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Jorge Alvarez paced up and down in front of the three bound and captured occupants of the overturned van, his fingers clenching and unclenching around the gun in his hand. Here they were, members of SAMCRO just like his father had said. Only his father had only mentioned the girl and the curly haired freak with the blue eyes. He'd mentioned nothing of the man with long black hair, thick Scottish accent and scarred cheeks. Still Jorge Alvarez wasn't going to let this faze him, he wanted to patch into the Mayans so much he physically ached for it so he wasn't about to let some cut up foreigner stop him from achieving that! Even with the addition of the Scotsman, Jorge's plan was going off without too many problems. The road block had been hard to set up, he'd had to insure that the chief of police and any of his deputies associated with SAMCRO were out of the picture or they'd surly alert someone to his plans. Thankfully he'd thought ahead and had managed to convince a few leerer minded members of Darby's crew to stage an armed robbery in Charming's only bank. The idiotic police had rushed straight to the scene leaving just a young female cop and an inexperience rookie at the station. Jorge's crony had knocked out the woman, tied her up and locked her in a cell before holding the rookie at gun point and getting him to set up a road block down the street the Sergeant at Arms would no doubt be taking as he brought Clay's girl home from hospital. Forcing him to take the freeway – that had been cleared by the full patched Mayans - where Jorge was waiting in a stolen truck, ready to ram them off the road. He'd been momentarily put off when he looked through the smashed windscreen of the overturned van only to find three occupants, not two, but had ploughed on nevertheless; his gun pointed straight at the head of Clay Morrow's kid; he demanded all of their weapons. Once they were handed over, and with his gun still pointed at the girls head, he'd cut them loose one at a time before binding their hands together tightly with duck tape. Now all he had to do was sit and wait for his father to call and let him know where things stood with Clay and the AK deal.

"You're Alex Trager... Sergeant at Arms." He said, standing in front of the curly haired freak, eyes narrowed as they looked him up and down, face contorted in disgust. He'd heard a lot about this guy and whether it was rumour or truth, it was still enough to make him sick. Apparently he liked to fondle the dead bodies of his victims, apparently he jerked off to bestiality porn, apparently he'd fucked Clay Morrow's daughter when she was just 15... Jorge could believe those rumours after hearing from his fully patched brothers that the blue eyed Son was prone to biting his opponents and that he joked with them about raping them in a tone that was all too serious... yeah, this guy was sick alright. Jorge spat in his face and the guy laughed, cold and manic, his blue eyes dancing in amusement.

"Wow, you can read." He chuckled, head thrown back. Well good on the wetback! He'd looked at Tig's cut and read Sergeant at Arms and worked out what his name was. The boy must have a higher IQ than his full patched brothers, or indeed his worthless Mexican father. "Good on you little man, I'd give you a gold star if my hands weren't tied together." Tig added in a cheery tone, flashing Jorge a smile and a wink. Jorge snarled at the freak for that, his fist clenched tight as it collided with his cheek. Blood trickled down the freaks cheek, oozing steadily from a cut left by the rings on Jorge Alvarez's hand. "Come on you pussy, you can hit harder than that!" he taunted, smirking smugly, laughter glittering deep within his blue eyes still. Jorge drew back his hand again, tight balled fist prepared for impact when the girl spoke, voice high with fear and concern.

"Tig please shut up." She begged, her words directed at the Sergeant at Arms. She couldn't believe him, taunting and annoying Jorge Alvarez like that while they were tied up and at his mercy. He was just going to make things worse for then, she was sure of it. Sure enough, at the sound of her voice, Jorge let his fist fall limp as his side, turning to her a strange look about his face. Still the disgust remained, but Boo could see curiosity there and a glint of expectation in his eye... She shuddered slightly as she considered the horrors of what that glint might mean, but kept her face emotionless. She was not going to show him any more fear than she already had.

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